Kuroko no Basket Doujinshi ("Seirin Lovers" by Itadaki Cat)

Oct 26, 2012 10:09

Title: Seirin Lovers
Circle: Itadaki Cat
Pairing: KagaKuro, KiyoHyuu
Pages: 39
Notes: the art is...hmm well it's not pretty-perfect like Ko-man, but somehow I dunno, it's more...solid? I like the way she draws faces and eyes - it's different. And haha the story is loltastic - I love love Hyuuga's chagrined, irritated expression hahaha

So this book focuses on 2 pairings in the Seirin team, and their dynamics. The POV switches back and forth between the two stories, one following Kiyoshi and Hyuuga in the hospital where Kiyoshi has to stay overnight for observation, and one following Kagami and Kuroko as they have dinner and a night together over at Kagami's house.

Kiyoshi is manipulative and yet somehow endearingly so, Hyuuga is irritated and tsundere but very very hawt and helpless when Kiyoshi comes onto him. Kagami is abrasive but dere when it comes to Kuroko; Kuroko is sharp and pushy when it comes to Kagami. I think Kagami says at some point, "Sometimes Kuroko takes the initiative...though that could just be because we're both needy for it," which is totally true...

Get it here on Mediafire: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. As usual, tell me if you have any dling problems...

kagakuro, kagakuro dj, doujinshi, itadaki cat, kuroko dj, kuroko

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