Title: Flowers That Bloom for You (Kimi no Tame ni Saku Hana)
Circle: Sierra (Seal)
Pairing: AoKise
Rating: PG
Pages: 12 (all color!)
Notes: a collection of Sierra's color AoKise pictures. They're reeeeeally pretty and yeah no wonder there was such a long line for her...
Ahhhh so yeah when I first read the paper copy book for roentgen's (Sierra/Seal...why does this girl keep changing names?) "Stardust Storage", I really wondered why so many people were in love with her. Then
persiii told me that she'd never done a doujinshi before, which would account for the lack of flow, framing, angles, tones...it accounts for pretty much everything.
Then I saw she was going to ST3 and I was like, "Huh...well if she has a new offering I'll take it..." so I waited freaking 15 - 20 minutes in that line (yeah most times I would say that's nothing but this is a convention, when you only have 3 hours to grab everything you want...) and went up and bought her new book. And DAMN am I happy I did...
It's not doujinshi cuz it's just a collection of pretty pictures, but finally I'm realizing why people like her. Her colors and concepts are gorgeous. Aomine and Kise really look good together. For a splash on a page...it would definitely make me turn back and stare. I'd really recommend it for any AoKise fan just have, even when the fandom dies down - the art is just that damned beautiful.
Soooooo that's why there are 4 files instead of the regular 2 (because they're color...) and each file only has a minimum of pages in it. I didn't scan them at a higher resolution than my other ones, it just turned out this way. Of course, I know this is ridiculously large - so if anybody wants me to shrink them down to a more manageable size (like 200 MB or something), of course I will.
Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4 OR if you want the small version, it's
here, also on Mediafire.