Title: By Accident Something Got Attached (Accident was Tsukemono Desu)
Circle: 3T
Pairing: KagaKuro
Rating: PG
Pages: 33
Notes: I really wasn't going to buy this one. 3T was cute but I wasn't *dying* for them like I was for Escapizma or anything... And then this book came along, and I thought, "What the hell, let's give it a shot."
My reaction was much the same as Kuroko's: "...aren't you a tiger, Kagami-kun?"
Haha the 4 characters interacting with each other (Aomine, Kise, Kuroko and Kagami) was reeeally funny and very IC. I love how Kuroko comes to Kagami's rescue~ Yes yes, distract the other two with the brown ball that they love to chase, good idea Kuroko~~
And then !$WR@#%g-09@# Kagami and Kuroko go home and have...sweet couple-ish bonding which in any other place I would be like, "Uhhh...yeah too much sap", but here, coupled with that peaceful, "Oh this is so right" look on Kuroko's face when he says, "Taiga-kun, good boy"...nnnngrrrh how do you DO this to me!? I feel as embarrassed as freaking Kagami: "That's not fair..." Ah...their is a love that somehow 3T manages to make look so comfortable it'll last forever~
Here on Mediafire:
Part 1 and
Part 2