Kuroko no Basket Doujinshi ("Nandemonai Kyuujitsu" by 3T)

Nov 09, 2012 08:46

Title: On a Day Off with Nothing to Do (Nandemonai Kyuujitsu)
Circle: 3T
Pairing: KagaKuro
Rating: NC-17
Pages: 12
Notes: AHHHH 3T DREW PR0N!!!! If there's a category for pr0n called "cute and unwittingly sexy pr0n", this would be a stellar example of it. My only regret is that it isn't longer!!!

So this was only a short little copybook that I wasn't even planning to buy at ST3...yet of course I saw that it was 3T and couldn't give it up. I didn't even see that it was R18 until I brought it home and was reading it.

UNGH her sex scenes are hawt. The faces that Kuroko makes...GUHHHH I've been on a toppy!Kuroko streak but she makes me believe in bottom!Kuroko again geez! Kagami too, being treated to the rare sight of Kuroko in a yukata...kyaaa if it were me I would pounce too!

Get it here on Mediafire, and as always enjoy and tell me if there's any download problems!

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kagakuro, doujinshika: 3t, kagakuro dj, doujinshi, kuroko dj, kuroko

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