Title: First Bra (Hajimete no Bra)
Circle: Diego
Pairing: AoKaga
Rating: PG
Pages: 26
Notes: ...honestly I don't think Aomine would like bras enough to want to try them on him or his boyfriend, but well...he could, I guess?
So...Diego. I pretty much found her just by walking around ST3, searching for AoKagas. Her stuff didn't look too shabby so I picked some up.
It's...cute. It reminds me a bit of Rojinhome (also AoKaga), where the characters are drawn with muscles/are more buff or bulky. I like that, it's more natural.
*Would* Aomine consent to wear a bra? No idea. I rather thought Kagami, for all Aomine is his boyfriend, probably wouldn't really consent to wear one either. I love that arrow that they have that points to the space between Kagami's chest and the hump of the bra that reads "Mysterious Space". Oh you young boys...you make me crack up.
Basically, this story is on crack so you should read it! Get it here on Mediafire:
Part 1 and
Part 2