Title: Don't you have potential (Soshitsu ga aru ja nai desuka?)
Circle: Diego
Pairing: AoKaga
Rating: NC-17
Pages: 18
Notes: our boys talk about what is it to be on top and on bottom and yeah...that leads to some interesting...well, it's not conversation at any rate.
I think my fav picture is that one panel when Aomine's like, "Why does it have to be me now???" and Kagami's looking back and you can just tell all that's on his mind is, "Mmmm looks tasty~". Like I said before, Diego's stuff is simple and sweet yet the expressions are very dynamic. Her format's pretty good too, very eye-catching XD I just keep harping about the stupid thing >.>;;
Anyways...in contrast to the other one about bras, this one is quite pr0ny. In a good way. A hawt way. Both of them are so darned snarky, I love it <3
Here on MF, enjoy!