A burst of creativity...

Oct 19, 2004 21:31

How common are anstin's interests
Universal anime (172676)
books (187437)
cheese (102725)
computers (266008)
food (133778)
laughing (110609)
love (203628)
music (821354)
photography (231191)
poetry (197998)
rain (113334)
reading (352824)
sex (163742)
sleeping (188018)
writing (351052)

Popular animals (84439)
biking (74281)
coffee (91395)
driving (72804)
girls (94893)
internet (73807)
life (54334)
punk (93848)
rock (78907)
travel (50375)
women (85340)

Common angelina jolie (29405)
ani difranco (27582)
baking (15669)
beer (48920)
cameras (20921)
cinema (11384)
classic rock (22886)
classical music (25623)
comedy (40002)
comics (40446)
culture (10788)
films (23863)
flying (13962)
french (24179)
gay (17315)
heavy metal (16953)
humor (22577)
japan (41068)
japanese (18146)
jazz (48206)
jhonen vasquez (12414)
jokes (13120)
knitting (15432)
languages (18333)
learning (27084)
lesbians (18134)
listening (12669)
literature (44345)
meditation (17042)
motorcycles (14681)
partying (43926)
people (40617)
programming (17718)
sewing (26251)
spanish (17303)
star trek (20030)
star wars (42702)
tea (37189)
television (18909)
terry pratchett (10206)
thinking (32099)
travelling (22840)

Specialist adventure (7111)
being happy (6394)
being weird (3181)
bi (3764)
bicycling (2106)
bluegrass (3761)
boobies (4156)
breasts (5776)
collecting (2422)
crocheting (4234)
d&d (9092)
foreign films (9149)
foreign languages (4454)
forensic science (2899)
lesbian (6893)
linguistics (8420)
logic (5619)
nicotine (1390)
plants (7542)
queer eye (4670)
queer theory (1397)
roleplay (4174)
sigur rós (2703)
spain (6606)
tatu (5044)
teasing (4170)
trying new things (1675)

Unusual basque (141)
basque country (19)
being independent (242)
brainteasers (85)
cafés (939)
computergames (182)
cuisine (545)
español (989)
euskal herria (35)
euskara (37)
euskera (33)
foreign language (716)
helping out (244)
human behaviour (192)
indie pop (964)
individuals (551)
making people happy (955)
operas (541)
picking my nose (695)
portuguese (927)
the atlantic ocean (99)
the midnight sun (11)
translating (369)

Rare international cooking (9)

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