OOC: Infopost! The "Oh Yeah, We Have A Real Newbie And I Haven't Done This In Ages" Edition!

Jul 01, 2011 09:39

But, since I haven't actually got a new character this time around, I'll just give the whole SheBang in point form, and then link back to their original infoposts, as I am wont to do. :D

The Woobie: Jim Hawkins
Jim is...

* Pre-canon. So all that stuff in Treasure Planet? He hasn't done that yet. Maybe someday. He needs to bring home a Morph, after all.
* Not from Earth. Hell, he's not from this solar system, or galaxy, and he's probably not from this universe. He is from a middle-of-nowhere mining planet called Montressor, though. Big cities are still new to him.
* Very sad that you can't breathe in space, here.
* The kid with the flying surfboard. Which he enjoys showing off at every possible opportunity.
* Weetiny! As in, shorter than his mom. So I'd say he's somewhere around five feet tall, even. He's waiting for his growth spurt, shut up.
* Full of abandonment issues. Full of them.
* A reckless thrill-seeker. If there's an opportunity for trouble, he so wants to be a part of it. If it's an opportunity to do some good old-fashioned harmless law-breaking, he wants in on it even more. He's got a criminal record back home. That's why he's here.
* And he's endlessly stunned by the amount of trouble he can get into while he's here without actually getting in trouble.
* Kind of a kid genius. But he doesn't show that off, or ever really mention it. Mostly, he puts it to use by tinkering with things over at Fixer-Uppers, where he works the Sunday shift.
* And if you want his original infopost, you can see it over here.

The Angel: Warren Worthington III
Warren is....

* The guy with more money than God. At least, if you ask Bobby (longislandiceme), his best buddy.
* A mutant. Not really an angel. You can probably tell by looking at him that he's not quite your average human, as he doesn't tend to hide his pair of feathered wings from the residents of the island anymore. If he is hiding them, I'll say so in narrative. Beyond the wings, he's got other powers from the comic canon, which you can read about at length in his original infopost.
* From the Marvel Movieverse, which means that he's likely not going to know anybody from your Comic/Cartoon/etc. canon. Like, at all. He was a bit of a shut-in and then movie canon had fun borking the rest. A lot.
* Working on being more outgoing. Because the movieverse functions so drastically differently, this Warren tends more toward shy than his other-universe counterparts.
* Toting around a whole crate of daddy issues on his shoulders. He's a runaway, you see. His dad found him on the island at the last Parents Weekend, but warren opted to stay here.
* Going out with Karla (glacial_witch) quite happily, now. Pineapple is totally their inside joke for kissing. Curry is much hotter than that. And trouble is just sort of like a fact of life that follows along after them, waiting to strike. Because Nu and I are mean.
* Capable of flight without running into things, now! His first time in the air was at the beginning of last year, so he's growing more confident in his flying abilities, but could still use some practise.
* He could use a little more work growing in the hero department, though. He's very close to a lot of people who fairly frequently find themselves in grave danger, and he's not quite used to the grievous bodily harm that tends to accompany rescue missions.
* And if you want his original (slightly outdated) infopost, it can be found over here.

The Alumni: Jonothon Starsmore
Jono is...

* My only alumni at present, mostly because I suck at keeping alumni... alumni. He's in Massachusetts at the moment, puttering through Generation X canon more or less handwavily, and will probably be shipping off to run with the X-Men fairly soon.
* Emo. And goth. Emoth? Gemo?
* Perpetually on fire from the mouth to the bellybutton. He keeps it all hidden under bandages, typically, but the burn scars on his face are still visible.
* This means, unfortunately, that he can't eat. Can't speak aloud. Can't kiss (which bugs him, but he and his girlfriend have psionic/empathic workarounds, so that works out). He makes up for the not talking thing by speaking telepathically. With a British accent. Snarkily.
* He was dating Didi (living_endless), or Death of the Endless, until August last year. She's since left (AND IT BROKE MY HEART, E), but he's had some time to heal, and now he's seeing Raven (trigons_child). Because apparently he has this thing for goth representations of intangible concepts from the DC universe.
* Far more of a woobie than he'll ever let on. Honest.
* He's a musician. He's gotten far more opportunity to play with his music here on Fandom Island than canon ever really affords him. Mean canon. Mean.
* He used to be the manager of the Groovy Tunes, up until he graduated and left the island. But he misses it, and may or may not be chewing on going back to reclaim it someday.
* He has a bit of an aura. You know. One of those huge, sprawling, technicolour ones, which you're welcome to see if you have a character who is aura-sensitive.
* And he's kinda stinky. That sort of 'burning tires' smell that you'd expect from a dude who has been on fire for something like three years or so, now.
* And if you want his original (fairly outdated) infopost, you can see it over here.

The Teacher: Reno
Reno is....

* A former alumni of Fandom High, he came back to the island at the beginning of last summer in order to teach, and he'll probably only be sticking around until the fall, now.
* He will be teaching Everything's A Weapon this semester alongside Cindy (steel_not_glass). The class is going to actually have a syllabus, once we get off our butts to write it.
* A returning Radio broadcaster, after way too long away. He does the Sunday shift with Deadpool (mouthy_merc), and they delight in making tasteless jokes, trampling over the fourth wall, and generally confusing the island together.
* A natural ginger. No, really. The blue in his eyes is less natural, however.
* The fastest of the Turks. Blink and you miss him.
* The go-to guy if you're all wee and impressionable and you need someone to take you under his wing. He has a small gaggle of rookies, now. They all seem to be wee blonde girls.
* That guy with the speech tic that has him saying "yo" and variations of it after almost everything he says. You get used to it. Or you don't.
* That guy with the face tattoos. The red things, under his eyes. He has other ink, which he got since coming to Fandom. The sun on his bicep, and the baby chocobo with a bottle of mezcal on his butt, however, aren't nearly as obvious as those ones on his face.
* Trouble. And he knows it.
* Guilty. Get over it, 'guilty' is totally my type. His world was almost obliterated, and he was among the obliterators. So he has his reasons.
* The owner of a dumbass ferret named Mako. The caretaker of his girlfriend's cat, Cuban Pete. And the unfortunate guy that a random duck seems to have moved in with. We call the duck "Bob." We are still not sure why Bob is still around, except that he amuses us.
* A helicopter pilot, and damn proud of it.
* Rikku's (the_merriest's) boyfriend. They exchanged rings in a drunken daze on a vacation once upon a time and decided to keep wearing them.
* A total dipshit when he wants to be. A total hardass when he needs to be. And a professional asshole.
* A wee bit of an AU thanks to a movie that retconned itself. Thanks for that Advent Children remake, Square-Enix. It's fine, though. I was going to AU him by not putting him through Dirge of Cerberus, anyhow.
* And if you want his original (reallyreallyreally outdated) infopost, it can be found over here.

The Mun: A Weirdo
Shannon is...

* Is not giving you eye candy of herself. Have a recycled picture of my kitty, instead. It is her second birthday! Happy birthday, Navi!
* Is that pet owner, yes. I have a cockatiel, too. He is my shoulderbaby and he does a killer impression of me chugging Fresca from the bottle.
* Hooked on Disney, Final Fantasy, and X-Men things. I blame myself for the first. I blame Relly for the second. I blame everyone else for the third.
* Is the one who does all of those little fairy icons that you might notice around the game. I commission those out about once a year through my personal LJ, in exchange for paid journal time, as I am an icon whore. I'm open to negotiation about said commissions anytime, though. Just drop me a line via e-mail or over AIM if you need one OMG RIGHT NOW, or something, and I'll let you know if I can manage one or two around schoolwork.
* Has a type. Apparently, this time around, my type is "Can fly." ... With a side dose of "Guys with issues," mostly so that Jono can fit into one, too.
* Lives on the East coast of Canada! In that magical time zone that America doesn't actually have. Which means I go to bed about an hour or so before a large chunk of the game does, and possibly before some people on the West coast even get home from work.
* And so slowplay is love, always.
* Currently studying 3D animation in Halifax, and so I'm prone to bouts of AFK once every three months, when our semester demo reels are due.
* Can be reached on AIM at raspberryturk or soldierhonour, with that 'U' in there because I am Canadian, dangit. *Hugs a moose.*
* Does not say it like "Aboot" and doubts that any actual Canadian really does... Though she has in the past two and a half years managed to pick up a disturbingly thick Maritime accent, so "Aboat" is a definite possibility.
* Does, however, say "Yo," but I blame that on Reno.
* Loves meeting people! If you ever want to thread or plot, ping me. I don't bite. :)

ooc: infopost

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