[Night of December 19th-Morning of December 20th]
Action; All around Mayfield
We wish y' i merry Chris'mas. We wish y' i merry Chris'mas...
[After joining in on Rin Kagamine's
disastrous attack on the dairy, Bazett, like all of the other attackers, has been droned. However, even as her body walks around, smiling and singing, her mind is perfectly clear.]
We wish y' i merry Chris'mas and a happy New Year!
[She wishes she could hide in a corner or punch the people laughing at her, but she cannot. Instead, she can only smile and continue singing carols off tune in her North Irish accent.]
Good tidings we bring to y' and yer kin.
[She desperately wants to call for help, or to complain, or to do anything other than bellow out Christmas carols.]
Goddamn this tahn for droning us and help us here!
[The sentence comes out in place of the original lyrics, though the words still comply with the melody. It seems that she has some way to communicate through the ceaseless caroling after all.]
[However, this still does not stop her body from running from door to door, knocking and then bursting into song when the residents answer.]
[December 21]
[After finally being allowed to stop singing and go home, Bazett works furiously at her notes. She writes down her new observations and then organizes her notes after she is finished, sustaining herself on cups of coffee. By the time she is done, it is already morning.]
Phone; unfiltered.
...If I disturbed you with my caroling yesterday, I apologize. It should be apparent that I was droned yesterday.