Subject to change of course...
Human Knight 1
Feat Path
(H)Monkey Grip (2H Medium Weapon as 1H Light Weapon)
(1st)Shield Specialization (Increase Heavy Shields +1 AC)
(2nd-B) Mounted Combat (Negate hits vs Mount w/ ride check)
(3)Shield Ward (+ Shield AC vs Touch Attacks, Disarm, Grapple, Overrun, Bull Rush, Trip)
(5th-B)Ride By Attack(Move before and after mounted charge)
(6th)Active Shield Defense (Fighting Defensive AoE not penalized, Total Defense has AoE at -4)
(9th)Improved Critical (Lance)(Doubles Threat Range of weapon)
(10-B)Spirited Charge (2x damage on mounted charges)
(12)Phallanx Fighting (+1 AC, other benefits in Shield Wall)
(15-B)Weapon Focus (Lances)(+1 attack w/ Lance)
(15)Overwhelming Assault (Gain bonuses vs Adjacent foe who does not attack)
(18) Short Haft (Lose reach to attack Adjacent foes)
Right now, I am happy with the combination of mounted for field combat and Shield Feat Tree for dungeons...I keep thinking how nice it would be to have Phallanx fighting earlier, like Level 3 or 6...but it's just not a good enough benefit until I'm joined by another Phallanx Fighter. Thoughts appreciated. Some people feel fighter-types are useless without Power Attack...but I really have no interest.