Title: Autobots and Jaegers and Kaiju (Oh, my!)
'Verse: 2007/09/11 Transformers. Pacific Rim crossover.
Characters: Prowl. Jazz. Bay'verse TFs and humans. No Pacific Rim humans appear in this fic.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Parenthesis overuse.
Notes: For the
Sept '13 Anniversary Challenge at the PxJ comm
I got this bunny the day I saw Pacific Rim... )
Comments 20
Thank you for sharing this wonderful crossover!
Honestly, after I saw Pacific Rim, I wanted to include the bots somehow, but the method escaped me.
*the only sad bit bout this fic? doesn't have PR human characters* it's got the organic giants and the metal giant robots, but ... Hey, this was for the PxJ comm, so I totally understand the need to focus on Prowl and Jazz - bringing it to their comprehension/understanding.
Will and Sarah, doing the Neural Handshake!
And "Drifting" pregnancy nausea. Nice.
Why not?
They are the bogey men.
Really loved Ironhide in this one-shot. ... It will stay a oneshot, yes? .... Totally wanting a second piece, but necessary.
Thank you for sharing.
Appreciate this crossover fic very much!
This fic was actually set at the Los Angeles Shatterdome (cos LA is in the next state over from Nevada), so none of the Pacific Rim movie characters would really have been there. There were quite a few scenes that I scrapped because while they were on topic and world-building for a Pacific Rim/TF crossover, they made the story too clunky when I needed to showcase a particular pairing.
I imagine many a pregnant lady would have wished this on their partner at one point or other :p
Prowl and Jazz, definitely messing...
Red and Simmons! Heeeee!
Quints! Brilliant!
Bwahahahahah Bee chasing the recruits! XD And Sam being fast! XDDDD
Sarah and Will! EPIC. Also LOL.
Mama cat Prime!!!!!!!!! <333
Love the whole thing! Fantastic!
I foresee much hissing at each other before they show up one day at work as almost bestest friends.
The Precursors even look kinda Quintesson-y
Speedy Sam is speedy (and possibly the first to be human-mech drift compatible)
Will loves his wife but boy is she scary :p
I had images of him sprouting a tail and a horde of little bots trying to catch it :p
Glad you liked ^_^
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