did anyone catch tina calling herself a straight woman? During the discussion about Dylan right before the couch scene with Dylan and Helena, Tina says "Most of us.. (corrects herself) Most straight women.."
And I have to say the way her and bette were miles apart in the same bed, its just sad to see that relationship be so .. dead. So with no sex in their lives, a kid, and tina thinking about guys, I guess tina is feeling like a straight woman again.
I love Alice in this episode. Her strength. Her compassion. She really showed what a good friend she is.
Shane was awesome too.. for being so honest when her and Carmen were fighting.
i am going to watch the scene with dylan & helena again and then go to bed... mmm dylan is SEXY!
Top 10 Things We’ve Learned from The L Word (So Far)
Curve Mag)
The show has taught us a lot about lesbian life in Los Angeles. Here are some of my favorite lessons, good and bad.
1. There are no butches in Los Angeles. You have to import them from the Midwest, as happened this season when Jenny brought Moira back to La-La Land from Illinois.
2. “Good hair” is subjective. But Shane rarely has it.
3. Nobody likes Jenny. Which is too bad, because Mia Kirsher is one of the best actors on the show.
4. Everybody is rich (even the unemployed writer, struggling young DJ and rarely employed hairstylist) and can afford to eat at uber-fancy restaurants that serve food that look more like postmodern art than something you want to eat.
5. According to Carmen, “In the Latino culture, it’s OK if two girls dance with each other.” Thanks for that newsflash, Carmen. It’s also OK in “American” culture. Ever seen Girls Gone Wild?
6. Leisha Hailey (Alice) can make anything hilarious. Even that good ol’ standby, the lesbian vampire.
7. Don’t trust a man with a video camera. Or a writing staff who thinks that makes for a good storyline.
8. Shane wearing a dress is just wrong. Can’t we just let her be her own indefinable, not-butch, not-femme (that would be “androgynous”) self?
9. Nobody is more ballsy than Bette. And that’s why I love her. Or do I just want to be her?
10. Friends are forever. Seriously, The L Word is at its best when everybody gets along and comes together to support each other through difficult times. Get our your Kleenex boxes now, ladies, because you’re gonna need them in the second half.