Meet Albert

Oct 10, 2015 21:05

I have a new friend. He appeared in the park beside my house a few weeks ago and daughter immediately christened him Albert, which seems like a fine name for an elephant. Albert is a life sized sculpture of an Indian elephant commissioned as part of the cultural legacy of last year's Commonwealth Games. He stands just outside The House for an Art ( Read more... )

real life, photographs, art

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Comments 17

eglantine_br October 10 2015, 23:47:15 UTC
That is one handsome elephant! He looks as if he would like a hug I think. And yes, he looks like an Albert.


anteros_lmc October 11 2015, 22:07:58 UTC
He's very handsome isn't he? I always say hello and pat his trunk when I pass by :)


mylodon October 11 2015, 09:08:18 UTC
He is beautiful and is clearly an Albert.


anteros_lmc October 11 2015, 22:09:29 UTC
He is splendid isn't he? And absolutely Albert! I have no idea why she came up with that name but it suits him perfectly :)


charliecochrane October 12 2015, 09:54:12 UTC
*nods* When we were on holiday we had a red squirrel who visited almost daily to get nuts. He was clearly a Norman. We just knew.


shepet October 11 2015, 21:36:39 UTC
What a wonderful elephant! And the wonderful mist :)


anteros_lmc October 11 2015, 22:12:48 UTC
Albert is a magnificent elephant :) We've been having a glorious autumn here. Lots of cool misty mornings and bright sunny days. Almost makes up for having had such a crap summer!


shepet October 12 2015, 07:45:54 UTC
We had here the summer over just yesterday :) Even three days ago, was +25 and people dressed as in summer. And suddenly such a beastly cold, br-r! I want the warm autumn with mist in the morning... *whining*


eglantine_br October 11 2015, 22:51:14 UTC
I am glad that you may have a little more free time-- time enough for you to breathe and remember what you like to do, rather than have to do. It will be good to have you around Following Sea a little more.


anteros_lmc October 19 2015, 21:25:37 UTC
I hope so! I can feel myself easing back into life-that-is-not-work. I have been sadly neglecting following_sea of late, I hope to be back aboard soon!


katriona_s October 12 2015, 01:34:31 UTC
He's wonderful, quite suitable to those woods in the park.

It's good to hear that now your busy life is now a bit settled. Don't work too hard.


anteros_lmc October 19 2015, 21:27:04 UTC
I was delighted when I discovered our new neighbour! He is a very benign looking elephant. I enjoy seeing him in the park every morning :)


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