Title: Minutes to Midnight
Author: Antharyn
Pairing: Hisagi Shuuhei/Kira Izuru
Rating: PG-13 because Kira bleeds.
Notes/Warnings: I really should be working on the prompts I was given in
shuukira but this rabid plot bunny jumped out of nowhere and made me write this at gun point. First attempt at a multi-chaptered, non-smut fic in a long, long, L-O-N-G time. Let’s hope this ends well. Unbeta-ed though I did read it over to check for mistakes. At one in the morning. When I was half-asleep. Go, me!
Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach. I just make the characters do my nasty bidding. They like it. >:)
Summary: A mission gone wrong and a struggle to survive.
“This is a waste of time,” Hisagi announced, a hint of exasperation creeping into his voice. “There’s nothing here.”
Behind him, he heard Kira make a soft, noncommittal noise and he turned to face the younger shinigami. The blond was frowning at the small cell phone in his hand, his blue eyes darting from the screen to their surroundings several times before he flipped it closed and sighed. “Nothing,” he said, confirming what Hisagi already knew. “There are no Hollows in the area.”
Hisagi nodded then turned his eyes to the small city miles from where they were. “I didn’t think a Hollow would stay out here in the mountains when it could be down there having a feast.”
Kira moved to stand beside him, the cell phone open again in his hand, staring intently at the screen. “There’s nothing there either, Hisagi-san.” He said after a few moments. “Maybe the reports were wrong?”
“Maybe.” The 9th Division Vice-Captain shook his head wearily and walked towards the shade of a large tree. He turned his back to the trunk and stretched out on the grass.
“Hisagi-san.” Kira called out to him, a look of disapproval on his face. “We should head back since there isn’t anything to do here.”
“Relax.” He said, lacing his fingers together under his head to serve as a pillow. “They gave us the whole day to finish this assignment. I say we do just that. Only, you know, without the Hollows.” He grinned at the younger shinigami who only raised an elegant brow at him.
Hisagi waited for a few moments, staring at Kira expectantly but the blond didn’t budge. He shook his head and sat up. This guy really needs to loosen up. “Kira, get over here.” He watched as the younger shinigami immediately walked towards him albeit a little unsure. He supposed it should have bothered him that Kira only really responded well to orders but he figured he could use that to his advantage, at least for now. “Sit down…” He said and Kira slowly lowered himself to the ground and sat back on his calves eyeing him with open curiosity. “Now…relax.”
The blond blinked at him incredulously before looking away and chuckling. “You are hopeless, Hisagi Shuuhei.”
Hisagi shrugged and grinned at his long time friend. “Think of it as a day off,” He said then went back to lying down on his back again. Moments later Kira followed suit and Hisagi couldn’t help grinning, feeling strangely proud of himself.
The two of them lied next to each other in silence, staring at the morning sunlight filtering through the leaves overhead. Hisagi turned to look at Kira just as the blond let his eyes drift shut. He looked the blond up and down, noticing the dark bags under his eyes, the paleness of his skin as well as several other signs of stress and fatigue. There were faint ink stains on his long, elegant fingers, obviously from this just morning when Kira should have been resting for this assignment instead of doing paperwork.
“You’re going to work yourself to an early grave, doing what you do.” Hisagi said before he could stop himself.
Kira’s eyes flew open and he turned his head to look at him. “What did you say?”
“I said you’re going to work yourself to an early grave.” He should have felt stupid saying it because it really wasn’t his place to but he didn’t and he had said it twice now. He held Kira’s blue gaze firmly and elaborated when the blond stared at him, confused. “You leave your office in the dead of night and come back before dawn. You do your paperwork at home and on the weekends when you’re supposed to be taking a break from doing them. You train yourself and your squad as if we were still in the Great War. And you go on patrol when you don’t even have to.”
“Not this again.” Kira frowned and looked away. His cheeks flushed a faint shade of red and his jaw tightened. “I don’t remember that being any of your business.”
Hisagi ignored the barely concealed ire. He had been on the receiving end of the blond’s wrath before and he had survived so he could handle a slightly incensed Kira. Besides, as recurrent as this conversation was it was really all Hisagi could do not to physically drag the blond out of his office and out into the light of day. He turned his attention back to the branches swaying overhead and figured he might as well get to the point. “You haven’t gone out with any of us in a long time, either.”
He turned to look at Kira who looked back at him with an expression Hisagi couldn’t really identify on his face. They stared at each other openly. “You haven’t exactly asked me to.” Kira finally said and turned his head to look away.
Hisagi couldn’t think of anything to say to that and contented himself instead with watching a ray of sunlight work its way up Kira’s face until it was in his eyes, causing him to blink and shift his body. Kira settled closer to him, a mask of contentment on his face, their conversation earlier apparently already gone from his mind.
He liked that about Kira. The 3rd Division Vice-Captain’s anger was something to be reckoned with but it took a while for things to really get to him and after that, it was as if nothing had ever happened. Hisagi supposed it had to with Kira’s personality. He was smart and elegant where Hisagi was rough and unrefined. Hisagi had a knack for taking grudges while Kira forgave and forgot. Hisagi admired him for that.
They didn’t speak for a time, staring off into the woods, thinking their separate thoughts. Slender streams of sunlight continued to play along their bodies through chinks in the branches canopied overhead, and the songs of birds filtered through the stillness.
“How about next weekend?” Hisagi said finally, breaking the silence. Kira looked at him, not understanding. “Next weekend.” He repeated. “We can go to the onsen or something. You decide.”
“Oh.” Kira said as comprehension dawned on him. The slightest blush tinged his cheeks. “Just the two of us?”
“If you want.”
Kira hesitated then smiled. “All right. Next weekend sounds good.”
Hisagi grinned. “You want to head back now?” He asked and watched amusedly as the younger shinigami made a show of thinking hard.
“Not just yet.” Kira said after a while then narrowed his eyes when he saw Hisagi chuckling. He playfully punched him in the arm. “You’re a bad influence, Hisagi-san.”
“Guilty as charged.”
It was late afternoon by the time they decided to head back. They had intended to return earlier, but had become preoccupied with each other. Kira found that he really enjoyed Hisagi’s company and Hisagi liked hearing Kira laugh so they had talked for hours, wandering deep into the woodlands before realizing how late it was. Kira suggested they head back when he noticed the sun inching toward the rim of the west horizon. Hisagi nodded in agreement and the two began to retrace their steps.
“It looks like it’s going to rain.” Kira announced as they worked their way back through the trees.
Hisagi glanced skyward. A mass of heavy rain clouds darkened the skyline. The sun was already beginning to disappear, enveloped in the growing darkness. The air was warm and sticky, and the forest was hushed.
“Come on.” He told Kira and the two of them started flash-stepping across the forest, anxious to avoid a drenching. Hisagi cursed as he felt a scattered flurry of raindrops strike his face. The cold bit into his skin and he urged himself to move faster, trusting Kira to keep up with him.
Then he saw something move in the trees.
He blinked and looked again. This time he didn’t see anything. “What’s wrong?” Kira asked, suddenly flash-stepping alongside him. He had slowed without realizing it. “It’s nothing. Come on.” He told Kira and picked up his pace again.
The wind whipped at his face, forcing him to lower his head against its sting. He glanced left, then right. There was definitely movement in the trees beside them.
Something was tracking them.
“Hisagi-san!” Kira said as they brushed close passing through a narrow winding of trees. “There’s something…”
“I know!” Hisagi cut him short. “Keep moving!”
They made their way through the forest as fast as they could, looking for a place wide enough where they could stand and fight or open the Senkaimon for back-up. The rain began to fall in earnest and the whole forest was shrouded in darkness. Hisagi tried to keep his head up as they ran, trying to follow the movement out of the corner of his eye. Movements, he corrected himself. There was clearly more than one of them. Hisagi felt his breath quicken and he cursed. Their pursuers were all around them now, shadows knocking down leaves and branches as they flitted through the trees.
“Hisagi-san!” Kira cried out, a step behind him. “They’re too close! We have to-” Suddenly a large shadow broke from the concealment of the trees to his right, heading straight for the 3rd Division Vice-Captain. Kira ducked and tried to dodge but the Hollow twisted in mid-air and struck him from behind, letting out an eerie scream. Kira grunted sharply and pitched forward. Hisagi wheeled instinctively and caught him, their momentum and combined weight sending them both to the ground.
Hisagi landed on his back in a small clearing with Kira on top of him, cushioning the blond’s fall. “Kira!” He got up to check on his friend. Blood ran down side of the younger shinigami’s head and he was unconscious. “Kira!” He tried to shake him awake even as Hollows began to gather on the trees above them. “Kira! Wake up!”
The Hollows hovered over them hungrily. They weren’t very big ones but their numbers posed a big problem now that he had to fight alone. Hisagi counted a total of 7. He unsheathed his zanpakutou and made quick work of the first one that lunged at him. He dispatched the second one just as easily but the third was too quick for him and he had to jump out of the way when it tried to bowl him over.
Two more of the Hollows screeched and lunged into the clearing, heading straight for the unconscious Vice-Captain.
“Hadou no Yon... Byakurai!” He exclaimed, stretching his fingers out to where the Hollows tried to get to Kira. White lightning shot from his finger tips and engulfed the three Hollows just as they had almost reached the blond. They shimmered away with a final screech and the remaning two Hollows retreated.
He quickly made his way to Kira, who was still unconscious, and picked him up, slinging one of Kira’s arms over his shoulder and encircling his own around Kira’s waist. He moved through the forest as fast as he could with Kira’s added weight. He needed to find a place he could open the Senkaimon and fast.
From all over the forest he could hear the Hollows screeching. Rain poured down in sheets, making it hard to see anything and Hisagi slowly felt himself begin to panic. His foot slipped on the wet ground and he and Kira fell into the mud. The impact woke Kira, and the blond gasped and coughed in the mud beside him.
“Kira!” Hisagi said urgently, pulling him up and settling him on his back against a large tree trunk. “Are you all right?”
“Hisagi…san.” Kira groaned, placing a hand to his the wound on his temple. He seemed to be having a hard time just keeping his head up.
“Can you stand?” He asked, holding his hand out to his friend. Kira took it and shakily got to his feet. He swayed on the spot and Hisagi caught him before he fell and carefully lowered him back down on the ground.
No good, the 9th Division Vice-Captain thought. He’s still disoriented. The events back in the clearing showed him that he couldn’t fight and protect Kira at the same time. At this rate, they would never make it.
Deep within the forest, the Hollows screamed again, closer now and Hisagi cursed. He looked at Kira struggling to stay conscious and he knew he had no choice. He had to leave Kira, as loathe as he was to do it. He couldn’t protect him like this.
“Kira.” He said softly and Kira lifted his eyes to meet his. “Suppress your reiatsu.”
“Don’t question me now! There isn’t time!” He exclaimed, grabbing the other man’s shoulders. “Suppress your reiatsu! Concentrate!”
A Hollow screamed again, even closer this time, and panic welled up inside Hisagi. He looked to Kira anxiously and saw that the blond had his eyes closed in concentration. His reiatsu faded slowly until it was no longer detectable.
“Can you hold it?” Hisagi asked when Kira opened his eyes. Kira nodded and Hisagi began maneuvering the slighter body into a large gap between the roots of a large tree.
“What are you doing?” Kira asked but the older shinigami ignored the question. He didn’t have time to explain.
“Stay here.” He ordered. “I’ll lead them away and when the Hollows are gone, I want you to run and call for back-up. Understood?”
Kira tried to sit up and protest but his head spun and brought him back down. He barely registered Hisagi pushing him deeper into the cover of the foliage and he knew that Hisagi was right. He couldn’t help him now. "We'll catch up with you." He said. He wasn't going to give up just like that. “I’ll call Renji and the others and we’ll catch up.”
“Don’t die.” He whispered softly, fisting his hands in his friend’s gi.
Hisagi placed his hands over Kira’s. “You, too.” He said, giving the blond’s hands a tender squeeze before tearing away from Kira’s grasp.
Kira watched him flash-stepping across the forest for as long as he could, resisting the urge to call him back, until Hisagi finally disappeared.
To be continued...eventually! :D
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