Title: Feathers and Sequins
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Hisagi Shuuhei x Kira Izuru
Notes/Warnings: This is smut. And I kind of fail at smut. But I tried really hard so maybe this one won't be so bad? XD
Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or any of its sexy characters. I just borrow them and make them do my nasty bidding. They like it. A lot. >:)
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Comments 48
Very well written. The idea of a masquerade was great - I have a think for masks ;D and it worked very well here.
And I really liked that you managed to convey Kira's impressions and perception of his surroundings (and the everlovely Hisagi). Very well done. I really like it when reality merges with imagination and even better when the reader can immerse himself into that feeling as well. VERY well done!
(never let me hear you saying something of 'fail' again. ;) )
But thank you for saying otherwise and for the insightful comment!
And all right, I won't, I won't! ::promises::
Thank you for reading and commenting! ♥
And by all means do write many more such goodies (and the practice will come with ease). ;)
Thank you for reading and commenting! ♥
I mean that was... that was beautiful, you handled the situation so tastefully, I'm not really good at describing it... um well what I'm trying to say is that often I see smut with very little storyline. But you were able to weave in such a wonderful storyline, you gave such great detail and this being their first time and all just made it so much more special.
And if all that I just said was too confusing; you win at life. End of story.
And pfffft you are too kind! Thank you, thank you, thank you! ♥
I ♥ you to no end!
I forgot to mention in my original comment, for some reason I just loved the part where you revealed the scars and then just:
It's like we all knew from the beginning who it was, but when you revealed it it was like .. just this new wave of excitment that I find very hard to explain, but you sure explained it well through Izuru's thoughts and emotions xD
Thank you for reading and commenting! ♥
Thank you for reading and commenting! ♥
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