Title: The Anthemicronicon: Book of Ages
jehane18 : Artist:
clover71Wordcount: 35,000+ words
Fandoms: American Idol (Season 7 and cross-season), HP Lovecraft's Cthulu mythos via Neil Gaiman, early 20thC US history
Description: In this gas-lit steampunk world where spells are channeled through music and licensed for use, David Cook and the Anthemic are the strongest fieldcasting band of House Nineteen. President McKinley has been assassinated at the 1901 World’s Fair - were songcasters involved? Cook and his band investigatem amid the skyscrapers and airships of pre-WW1 AU New York City.
Pairings/Characters: Cook/Archuleta and Tiemann/Skib of the Anthemic, plus other American Idol cross-season pairings and characters - S4: Constantine Maroulis and Bo Bice, S5: Taylor Hicks and Chris Daughtry, S6: Blake Lewis and Chris Richardson, S7: Carly Smithson and Brooke White, S8: Adam Lambert, Matt Giraud and Kris Allen.)
Warnings: PG-13 for language and m/m relationships; possibly disturbing flash-forward scenes involving war and bloodshed, Lovecraftian tentacular horror, supporting character death.
Acknowledgements: To awesome American Idol cross-season beta,
lasadh, consultative readings of
rajkumari905 and
kissesblow, and immensely knowledgeable American history beta
sock_marionette. All errors, especially the post-beta ones, remain mine.
Written for
Link to Clover's virtuoso art here. Not-for-profit work of fiction. Please read detailed disclaimer in the
A/N at the close of the story.
Prologue & Cast of Characters :
Chapter One :
Chapter Two :
Chapter Three :
Chapter Four :
Epilogue, Footnotes & Full Cast list (spoilers)