tiaraTenuto [TT] began pestering genocideAura [GA]
TT: All right, it looks like the software's done connecting.
TT: Now what are we supposed to do?
GA: now you need to clear some space in the living room or some shit so i can deploy all this gear
GA: jesus fuck your house is too ritzy for your own good
TT: I can't do very much about that.
TT: You have this game software, so why don't you help me the way I did for Leon?
GA: fuck no
GA: i'll wind up breaking something and you'll throw a fit and we don't have time for that
GA: i can see meteors coming in this display okay
TT: e_e Fine.
GA: hang on
GA: you've got a lot of stuff i've never seen before
GA: what the fuck is this
GA: cloning pad thing
GA: holy shit it costs like a metric fuckton of build grist
GA: there's no way you can afford it
TT: Just give me what I need, will you?
GA: right right
GA: finish moving the furniture and i'll give you the cruxtruder and alchemiter
GA: so stop whining already
tiaraTenuto [TT] ceased pestering genocideAura [GA]