Anthony Inc Part 2 001

Jun 07, 2006 15:53

Okay. I have TEN icons I'm going to post right now. Just so I can just a new post up. Please comment and credit me. Would anyone be interested in some headers? I might make one or two. If you'd like to be affiliates let me know. I'll add you in my userinfo. :D And tell your friends! :D Also, all my entries will be public from now on but you can ( Read more... )

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Comments 41

naturellebella June 7 2006, 20:11:17 UTC
you should def. make more x-men : the last stand icons=D that movie was amazing! and those icons are cute


anthony June 7 2006, 21:28:12 UTC
I probably will. :D


xthinktwice June 7 2006, 20:24:37 UTC
not taking any, but i love them!


stephu June 7 2006, 20:27:02 UTC
i love the second to last one, the xtina one. Her CD is going to be so awesome :D


x_fallsofast_x June 7 2006, 20:35:34 UTC
Took the pink Christina one, love your icons! <3 You should do more Brit and Christina!!


clearance_crack June 7 2006, 20:39:17 UTC
Your icons are so hot that they make me wish I'd taken an interest in X Men.

Great job!


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