The Danger of Being Me has official release date: July 16th, 2012.
I took off a full third of a year from this project, which is four times as much time as I really wanted to take. I wanted to get into my second draft in January of 2012, but being the capricious Libra that I am, I let myself get distracted by other projects that ultimately never materialized. So it goes.
But if I allow myself to put this off any longer, I will end up putting it off indefinitely, and I'll end up right back in the same cycle of bad habits that caused my first draft to drag on for more than thirteen years. So as the second quarter of 2012 gets started, I am climbing back on this horse and focusing my attention on completing my novel for self-publication, and I'm doing it with a scorched-earth approach.
I have scrapped the entire first 40% of the manuscript in order to redraft that portion of the story virtually from scratch. Some of the changes will affect the latter 60% of the novel, and some of it will have to be rewritten accordingly, but that will come later. I am therefore setting myself a series of goals related to the Danger of Being Me. The first is to have a second draft completed by the end of May, which is actually quite a bit longer than I think I'm going to need. But I'm being generous, so May it is. Fifty-eight days to rewrite 30,000 words.
My second goal is to get that second draft into the hands of my First Readers by the beginning of June, and to get back their notes and opinions by the middle of June. My third goal is to touch up my second draft and fix any glaring problems with the narrative in order to produce a final publishable draft by the beginning of July. Because my ultimate goal is to publish the ebook version of the Danger of Being Me on July 16th of this year, with a paperback from CreateSpace to follow shortly after that.
The end is in sight. And it's a beautiful thing to behold.