Schwing! I broke her in last night at a gig in Newton. It was quite fun. Despite 90% of the ladies out there were all jailbait. Nobody told us to turn our amps down, so instead i turned my amp up. Which was a nice change of pace for once. The amp sounds alot better when its turned up. Anywho. This guitar sounds pretty darn good factory. Normally I'd be switching out the factory pickups but these aren't that bad. I did however switch out the crappy enclosed switch for a new switchcraft and will probably put new tuners in there pretty soon.
This guitar is the IC400 model. The Iceman aka "The Paul Stanley" b/c thats what Paul Stanley (Kiss) played. Also Steve Miller.
Protip: We played at a baptist church last night and I was afraid that they would ban my guitar from the building! P.S. Yes, if you're thinking "Phallic" I've heard it already.
I shaved everyone! *pics soon* (emily, hint hint) I decided to look like The Edge this time. And quite frankly.. *er.. I hate those words now* I think I look pretty good. I mean.. I'd want a piece of this.
Hrm.. my blogs suck.