Leave me a comment saying "Resistance is Futile."
• I'll respond by asking you three questions so I can satisfy my curiosity
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions
(Any asking of questions is totally optional!)
1) What's your oldest fandom?
Harry Potter. I wondered what Hogwarts was like when James and Lily and Remus attended it, then I discovered that people had written dozens of stories answering exactly that question. I was hooked.
2) Babs as Oracle or Batgirl?
Oracle. In Oracle, Babs found a way past her paralysis to meet the world on her terms and make it a better place. She shaped her weakness into a strength using creativity and sheer stubborn will. Instead of retiring or becoming bitter, Babs found a way to keep fighting and to come back stronger than ever. I find that tremendously admirable.
The ironic thing, to my mind, is that Oracle is a more effective crime fighter than Batgirl ever was. Every other hero works more efficiently with her help, and she can work on a scale Batgirl never dreamed of. I think Babs must be aware of that, but isn't sure how to feel about it. That fact shows her complete triumph, but she would find it bitter-sweet at best.
3) What's the most poignant moment in anything you've read that you can think of?
The last section of Ender's Game, Ender is utterly exhausted, entirely isolated, and completely disillusioned, but he keeps going. Even when he has nothing left to live for and nothing left to dream, he doesn't give up. That section makes me cry every time.
4) What's your favourite of the Big Genres (sci-fi, fantasy, horror, romance, crime, etc)?
Fantasy. I love the freedom of it. In a fantasy, you can explore emotions without getting bogged down in technical details of existence. Fantasy is great at answering the question "What if --?"
5) What mythical creature would you most want to be?
This is definitely the hardest question of the lot. Most mythological creatures don't seem to be enjoying themselves very much. I think I'd want to be . . . a dragon! I could hoard books and shiny treasure and dine on barbequed knight. What could be finer than that?