Things with Brenda seem a bit better lately. I hope they stay going that way. I lovers her alot and don't like it when she's unhappy or distraught. I was too grouchy this weekend but i had to have dental work EVERY day. friday-sunday.. so i think it was excused.
God's pattern is for men to be the leaders, both in the church and in the family... "Women should listen and learn quietly and submissively. I do not let women teach men or have authority over them." -- Pat Robertson
Stolen from someone's myspace comment: A girl and a boy bump into each other - surely an accident. A girl and a boy bump and her handkerchief drops - surely another accident. But when a girl gives a boy a dead squid - _that had to mean something_.
Found a parts car that would solve most of my stress over car related stuff for $600, but i don't HAVE $600 :/ Job is going well. Brenda and I are doing well. Parents are coming to visit soon! Thats is all.