i am KTIK: Type a review! i am KTIK: So me and Kif can read it!

Mar 10, 2006 22:57

I was able to leave class early today and left for the langerado preshow “soundcheck” at around 2:30. Yahoo maps has failed me for the first time ever and I get lost. I call 411 and find out the number for the park where the festival is at. I listen to the directions on repeat for 20 minutes as they said it was exit #8 going north or exit #12 coming south and I had taken #15. as im going south I realize there is no exit #12. I call them to talk to a real person as opposed to a machine, and he tells me that those are wrong and that it’s actually exit 15 and I just have to go forward instead of left as yahoo told me. I was supposed to be getting there half an hour early and I got there half an hour late because of that whole mess, but it worked out nicely since they were behind schedule and started letting people in 2 minutes after I got to the entrance gate.
The first band was “Johnny sketch and the dirty notes.” They were mostly upbeat but they were pretty damn good for what they were, and they had 2 saxophones, a trumpet, violin, and then your regular drums/bass/guitar. The singing was kind of lame, but when they’d jam it turned out to be good shit. After their set this drunk/intoxicated guy came up to the front railing and told the trumpet player “YOU ROCK. I PLAY TRUMPET, I KNOW…YOU WERE AWESOME. I WANT TO TALK TO YOU. I PLAY TRUMPET, COME HERE.” He did that for about 5 minutes until the trumpet player just said “okay, later.”
Later on an older fellow stood next to me and noticed buckethead’s drummer “pinchface” was being set up (its obviously his since it says “HI IM PINCHFACE, PLEASE DON’T HATE ME.” on the bass drum) Then we started talking about buckethead and he told me he’s seen them several times as well as praxis. I told him the closest praxis show to me was in Atlanta, which according to my calculations is 13 hours away. He asked me if I heard ‘enter the chicken’ and I told him I have that as well as 50 buckethead-related albums. There were no cameras allowed unless you had a photo pass, and there were these 2 people who came up to the front with their photopasses and cameras. One of them was a tiny woman probably in her 30s who had a digital camera that looked like it cost less than $50, and which she couldn’t even figure out how to use. How these morons get photo passes is beyond me. The older fellow next to me also had one, and when I asked him how he got his, he said he works for a magazine. Anyways, the tiny woman with the cheap digital camera was with some thing. I’m not sure if it was male or female (due to the fact that it was overweight and the boobs could have been manboobs or just small female boobs, and since it also had short hair and no facial hair, that didn’t help much either. But there is one thing for certain, it was definitely a jew. I’m not trying to be racist, but her face was EXACTLY like this:
. The only reason why I’m guessing it is a girl was because it had lip gloss. Still coulda been just some homo with lip gloss, but it also gave a big kiss to the small woman after telling her that she probably wouldn’t like buckethead. It was pretty gross.
After a while buckethead finally came out and it was insanely awesome. He started off with some newer songs, but also played jowls, hog bitch stomp, and other classics. And even though I may be biased since I was there, I think this was one of his best performances ever, although I’ve only seen about 15 buckethead bootlegs. The tent was PACKED and everyone was REALLY digging it, which surprised me. It was weird watching hippies dance to buckethead, but those hippy chicks are hot. When buckethead brought out the red bucket, I knew he was about to give toys so I raised my hands got the first one. Unfortunately, he didn’t play Night of the Slunk, which was a disappointment, but still a great show considering it was only an hour long.
I headed over to the other stage to see the Benevento Russo Duo, which sounded like the dude was playing a guitar but he just had a bunch of keyboards he was playing simultaneously, which was quite a sight. Since there were already a bunch of people there I ended up next to on of the giant speaker stacks, and with all the crazy sounds they do, I got a headache so I left after a couple of songs. Then I went back to the tent to see Perpetual Groove, since ive noticed they play in south florida often. Everyone was so pumped up for them, but I thought they were fairly boring :\
I went back out to go back to Benevento Russo Duo. After a few songs I went looking for a merch booth and instead found a tent where buckethead was signing autographs, so I stood in line there. Unfortunately there was no merchandise, but I was able to thank him for coming down here, and asked him to please tour florida again. He pointed to my shirt of the berserker, gave a thumbs up, and when I asked if he liked them, he nodded yes. I had him sign the star wars toys I caught from his show, but since he doesn’t talk, he was trying to ask me with hand signals what my name was, and then the broad who was workin at the tent just asked me. I told him my name and spelled it out, but apparently he thought I said “e” when I said “d,” so it says “Armane - stay disembodied” and drew a bucket over the clone trooper’s head :D
After that I went back to see a few more Benevento Russo duo songs. It was much better from far away, but since I wasn’t all “OMG AWESOME” I just decided to go home. Once I got out of the parking lot, the Duo were still playing, 1 hour and 40 minutes into their set. On the road out of the park I saw this girl with a dog and a guy, and I thought they were trying to cross the street, so I stopped and signaled with my hand for them to walk across. Apparently they wanted to hitch a ride instead of walking all the way down to the other parking lot, so I said okay to that. She was pretty hot. They asked me if I was alone even though there was no one else in the car, and I told them yes. I think the guy said something like “damn’ whereas the girl said “..thats cool.” I asked them if they were from here, and she’s from New Jersey, whereas the guy said “where im from originally?” I said yes and he said “San Diego, but I’m from Morocco.” At the parking lot before the entrance of the park I asked her if that was it and she said no, and when we got at the entrance I told her so and she said “oh okay, we missed it but we’ll just walk since its right by here.” They thanked me and the Moroccan fellow gave me a hug, which was definitely unexpected by me, but then again that place was all hippies. He said something like “thank you for the love. We’re all family” and now that I look back on it, it reminds me of juggalos, WOOP WOOP!
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