Spoilery Season 8 Article I hate Jeremy Carver.
Okay, I know, mostly EVERYONE is all 'whoo-hoo, can't wait for the new season'...but what.the.actual.fuck?!
This quote:
Was there anything you noticed that you were watching
that stood out like, “I really want to touch more on this,”
or “We should weed this away”?
JC: First and foremost, I was really thrilled to see what [former showrunner] Sera [Gamble] and [executive
producer] Bob [Singer] had done with the show. At the
time, they had to pick up after [series creator] Eric [Kripke]
left. One of the things that struck me, and I think it’s almost
inevitable when you’re doing a genre show, is sometimes a
show gets buried under the weight of its own mythology.
And particularly with the brothers, if you zero in on
someone like Sam, that guy has so much stuff - the wall’s
up, the wall’s down. It gets a little confusing, even to me as I was catching up, exactly what is happening. So I think one
of the things I thought was maybe we can pull back on the
mythology and instead start a new myth story this year.
Obviously we’re not disregarding anything from the past,
but at least from the get-go, we’re starting everyone off on
a new ride that hopefully lasts two, three, whatever many seasons.
* * *
I read somewhere that Mr. Carver is apparently the 'pro-Dean' writer of the show. Yes, in other words what, he doesn't like Sam? So now he's just gonna take SEVEN YEARS worth of him, and ruin him?! Because come ON - he IS ruining Sam!
Okay, jeez, I know I've always said I don't usualy give my opinion on these things...but I can't help it. And I also know a LOT of people didn't like the Lisa/Ben crap either (my best friend included!) but I can't...I CAN'T abide this! They're messing with Sam - SAM! And I won't be able to watch it! There might be some parts of the S8 plot I'd like, or WOULD want to watch...but I CAN'T sit there and take that!
And isn't it the mythology that's always made the show great? It sure is for me. When they start bringing in 'new myths' for shows...you just know it's gonna be a mess! Why the heck fix something when it isn't broken?!
Ugh - it's the first time a season of SPN has begun that I'm GLAD I'm not in the US to be able to watch it.