[...]Polarshipping is canon because I mean one obvious (¿?) reason is when Joey drools when he sees Mai for the first time! That's love.
*head explodes in frustration* Bitches... I'll try to be rational here.
I bet my ass, EVERYONE drools over Mai. I mean I would if I saw her! She's beautiful. Katsuya? Yes. Otogi? Yes. Honda? Yes. Atemu? Yes.
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Comments 5
They all drooled over Vivian, too. >:| BUT WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT HER, JOUMAI FOR LIFE!!1
u.u the pairing JouMai should be shot and thrown into oncoming traffic.
..oncoming traffic of nothing but 18 wheelers that have spikes on the sides of them.
Oh please, Jou drools over food. Is he in love with his food too? (am very suspicious now >___
That bacon...damn, it's SEXY. *_*
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