last night was fucked up. today im hopefully going thrifting with brittany2 and this dude named tyler.. then seeing jessica for a little while.
this is joiners survey, everyone should do it.
Start time: 1217
Physical You
-REAL name: brittany dawn guild
-age: 17
-gender: F
-shoe size: 7.5
-height: 5'6"
-weight(sorry ladies): 115
-hair color: red brown (as of now)
-eye color: dark brown
-buff?: hell no
-scrawny?: nein
-any badass scars?: nope, i was safe child.
-piercings: 3. ears.
-tattoos: none yet. one this summer!
-missing appendages: not any missing from me, but my dad is missing 3 toes
-circumsized?: omg. whered it go?! THEY CUT THE WHOLE THING OFF
-colour: greeeeen
-animal: cats, dogs.
-sport: halo
-video game: halo.
-movie: fight club
-tv show: the nanny
-board game: Monopoly, fuck yeah. lets play joiner.
-lame website: fuckin livejournal goddamnit.
-song: Word Up, covered by Korn
-artist: Boy Hits Car
-album: the black album, jay z
-book: the phantom tollbooth
-actor/actress: fucking Johnny Depp, hell yes.
-director: um. i dont pay attention to the man behind the scenes.
-celebrity: Paris Hilton, typical celebrity. damn her sex tape!
-snack food: frozen peas, bitch.
-real food: mashed tatoes or spinach dip, if either of those count for real food
-restaurant: taco bell
-thing to do when you are bored: drive around.
-random hobby you have that nobody knows about: playing golf, what what
-most successful hobby you've had: dancing.
-least successful hobby you've had: volleyball. ew
-activity/hobby you do/have done that you would get made fun of for: racing go karts.
-play an instrument, if so which?: i wish i could play the drums.
-were you ever a band nerd?: hell no
-tell me something secret about you: im not cool enough to have deep dark secrets.
The game of Love
-Favorite feature on the opposite sex?: smile and hands.
-What makes up the ideal personality?: witty, good humor, makes me laugh, spontaneity (sp?)
-Committment or 1-night-stand: committing makes me girly inside.
-best eye color: brown mos def
-best hair color: brown again.
-tall/short: taller than me
-shaven/clean: unshaven is cute at times...
-long/short hair: inbetween, not too long, but not buzzed off either, no skin heads for me.
-football player or nerd: i would definatly take a nerd over a football player.
-attractive/intelligent: ok this is hard. neither, i like dumb funny dudes.
-Love/lust: both. i enjoy lust with someone i love? how about that?
-Dominant/Submissive: i like to be dominant. hell yes.
-Kinky or traditional: hm. traditional with a kink thrown in there.
-How would your perfect date go?: NO MOVIES, maybe dinner and a walk in the park and swinging on the swings in the play ground. hell yes.
-Describe your deepest fantasy: for something to finally work out, is that so much to ask?
-Dude, are waterbeds cool or what?: joiner, your waterbed freaks me out.
-Have a bf/gf?: nein.
-If so, for how long?: nein.
-How did you meet?: nein.
-How did the asking-out occur?: nein.
-Happy or stressful relationship?: nein.
-What do you like best about him/her?: nein.
-Honestly. How do they smell?: nein.
-Are they romantic enough?: nein.
-What one thing would you change if you could change anything in the relationship?: nein.
-If none of the above applies, describe your crush ambiguously: well right now im sick of boys, but i do have a school girl crush on a college boy...hah.
Love history:
-Number of bfs/gfs (not at once, of course): like 17?
-longest relationship: 6 months
-Base you made it to (google if you dont know): er.. remind me the bases?
-describe the first kiss(or best one works, too): first kiss was bad. best kiss... probably mr. farmer. the randomess on the couch was awesome.
-Had a tragic breakup?: yes, with farmer. ahhh. crying.
-Been walked in on (alone/with S.O.)?: hah... no i rule.
-Been truly in love?: i thought so.
Beliefs, etc
-Religion: athiest
-believe in god? nein
-what about Allah? nein
-ok. shiva?: nein
-yes, but what about Joseph Smith?: hah.
-Is Monogomy the way to go?: sure.
-Vegetarian?: at times. its a bipolar thing.
-Political platform: Libertarian
-Should church and state be separate?: yes. religion should be banned.
-Ever try any substances?: hah. yes.
-Ever break any big laws?: um. driving while messed up. speeding like a mother fucker. what is it called? statetory... i did stuff with older guys?
Should ___ be legal?
-abortion: pro-choice
-weed: yes.
-other drugs: no, just pot.
-alcohol (under 21): i think alcohol should be 18.
-murder: fuck no.
-dancing: wtf. hell yes bitches.
Spurious questions
1. What do you want to be when you grow up? um, and assassin. my mom told me i had to.
2. Favorite article(s) of clothing:? my striped undies(for sleeping in), and my american eagle jeans.
3. Boxers/Briefs OR Thongs/Grannys? i dont wear undies during the day.
4. What person has influenced your life the most in the past year? carrie, joiner, jessica, my dad.
5. If you could go anywhere on earth: Deutschland
6. What is the most sentimentally valuable thing you own?: my car? i dont know.
7. What 3 things would you bring to a desert island?: a hot boy. a cell phone. and some pot.
8. Who (living or dead) would you talk to, given the chance: either of the dale earnhardts.. that takes care of living and dead.
9. What IS the meaning of life? to be happy.
10. Be totally honest with me. What do you want more than anything in the world? world peace. hah. right now, i just want something to work out. i want a relationship to happen.. no more of this bullshit.
End time: 1256.