I found out that I have pre-cencerous tumors on my cervix. The doctors did a biopsy to determine the risk of the cells, as to whether or not the infected area needs to be removed in order to prevent cervical cancer. I'll know whether the tumors are serious or benign in two weeks. Quite a period of time to mull it over.
On a happier note, I registered for next semester. I'm excited about my classes, and am hoping that next semester will be better.
Indv101: Structure: Mind and Behavior (the equivalent of a Psych 101 course)
Psych201: Introduction to Linguistics
Ling104: Beginning Navajo
Ling307: Elementary O'odham Language
Phys102: Introductory Physics
Phys181: Intro Laboratory
Astr201: Cosmology (yay for stars!)
It sounds like a lot, but I think Indv and Astronomy will be really easy, and the languages will be loads of fun. Lauren will also be taking physics, and the two languages, that's a major reason why I signed up for them. Most of my classes start at eleven or twelve, so I know that I can at least wake up for them.
I wanted to take figure drawing, but they don't let non-art majors take any upper division art classes during the Fall or Spring semesters, so I might take it over the summer instead. Once again, cheers for starting all over.