Rather than say the same thing over and over again, I'll attempt to respond to your individual posts regarding mine about faire here. Plus, it helps me to sort things out in my brain to type it, and for your spare time's sake, I will try to condense what I'm feeling enough that you can understand, even if the finer details are in absence
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Comments 10
Its best to step away while you still have so many good memories. Something that's been so much a part of your life and a source of joy should remain that way in your heart and in your mind. And while there may be the lingering thought to cling to such a thing and try to find what you've lost, the price for failure will be the tainting of so much happiness and joy with feelings of apathy, perhaps even bitterness and anger.
Who can say what will happen in the future? Perhaps in time you'll feel the desire to return to what you're leaving behind now. Or perhaps it will remain simply a memory. Either way, you have to move forward before you can look back.
One more faire, to say goodbye, and then leave the rest to fond memories. :\ I just hope it's a depression phase that I can overcome..
Perhaps it would make you feel better to say " I'm not doing this faire right now " instead of I quit. Then you haven't closed any doors :)
I'm going to seek out a therapist--even if it's not due to depression and I really am just growing out of it, I know that I am buckling under the pressures in my life regardless and something needs to be done.
Don't force yourself to do something you don't enjoy anymore. If it drains you more than it fills you, then it's not worth doing.
But we're in a new house now, me and three of the Dauntless crew, and you better believe we'll be hosting parties that you're more than welcome to come to. :) You'll have opportunities to see me. But that is the hardest part of it all--the people I will miss.
And- where are you living now? I've somehow got greater Sacramento area in my head- is this correct?
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