Friday i walked up to the plaza with jacqui annie and kmo, and we met up with vanessa and ian. we all just walked around and then i went 2 panera to see if danielle was there, but she had already left. then my mom called me and said that danielle was there. so we walked around some more, and then walked home. i came back here and hung out with danielle. we were gonna stay in woony for the night, but plans got messed up so we didnt. ordered cheeseburger pizza, smoked, and ate some more pizza. haha. then jacqui got here around 1am, and we all just hung out.
then saturday morning jacqui went home to get ready for kells grad party. then we all went out shopping 4 a gift, and then went 2 kells. it was fun. im soo happy 4 u hunny! Congrats!!. then after that jacquis mom picked us up, and drove me and danielle back here. we ironed eachothers hair,and got ready. kell came over around 8, and then we went out. went 2 pawtucket so kelly culd get her nipples pierced. omg she was soo excited ! lol yay she finally got them done. lol.
so. then we called andrew and asked if they could find us any weed. and they could. so we drove to woony, and picked them up, and drove around for like 2 hours to wait for some kid to be ready. then we got it, and we were on our way home. since there was too many ppl in the car, andrew sat on myne and tonys lap, and wen we were on oak street, we ended up getting pulled over for going thru a red light. but no1 got in trouble so its all good. me and andrew got out and walked the rest of the way back to my house.
then we all just hung out in the basement and were high out of our minds. me and tony got along the entire night, and no fights. and i love it that way <3. since we didnt wanna get pulled over again, i ended up staying home when kelly drove them home. and i passed out and then when my mom woke up she was like... oh wheres the boys? and i was like they went home and she was like why didnt they just stay? and i was like err fuck you i asked for them to stay but u flipped out. lol so that kinda sucked but whatever.
then sunday me and danielle woke up and then went 2 her house so she could get ready and talk 2 her mom. and then when she was taking a shower, i ended up passing out for like 2 and a half hours but trust me i needed it. lol then i went home, and i realized all my books were still @ jacquis house from Friday afternoon. so i walked down there, and hung out with her for a while. then i went home for a bit, and andrew calls and says they all wanna hang out. so i got ready and i called kell and danielle and then me and kell went to go get them.
yeah it was a good time. so me,andrew,mike,tony, kelly and chuck all piled into the car. then me chuck and tony came back here so kell could go get danielle. then they got dropped off @ kellys house and then she came back to get us, and we went 2 her house and jsut hung out and watched tv, and hung out on the porch. my mom said for me 2 be home by 1030, but i called steve and said i was sleeping @ kellys, but he didnt tell my mom, so i was screwed.
she called at 130 am and flipped out on me to get home and was wondering where i was and everything and wouldnt consider the fact that when i left she was already passed out. but then when me and danielle got back here, me and my mom talked about everything. lied down for about 10 mins, and then andrew called.
so we talked 2 him for a wile and then went to sleep. oh my god, i love all you guys soo much! thanks for such an awesome weekend! ehehe. xoxo <3
.. then school sucked, i was exhausted and fell asleep at least 3 times within the course of the day. lol. went home to jacquis with her, and then went 2 hony dew til like 5 and just hung out. stevey picked me up, i came back here and fell asleep. haha. worked on some last minute stuff for finals. im almost done just a litle bit left to go
dont know what im doing for the rest of the week. but ill try to write in here more so its not so much to read. lol sorry guys
and to my best friend since the 2nd grade, i love you and im sorry about all of this. we jsut needa stick together and get thru this. everythings gonna be okay we just needa give it some time, no matter what, you will always be my best friend alright hunny?¿