The Ant sniffles and snorts.

Apr 23, 2008 19:19

I don't understand how I can be vegan, so healthy that I fix broken stethoscopes by touching them, have an apartment full of well-tended-for plants, and still be allergic to spring. I don't understand it. It's ridiculous. April never used to make me sneeze.

I am sure it's the stress. I am positive.

ATTENTION LIBRARIANS. As predicted, the financial situation has failed to spontaneously right itself. My powers increase quantities; they don't produce quantities from the air. I have done what damage control I can. I see only two possibilities:

A) Charge at least nominal rent for Pentamerone residents and increase dues for all other Tales.
B) You all pay for it yourselves.

I don't presume to make administrative decisions, but I'm going to suggest we keep a third option--"hope the bird outside Anser's window lays golden eggs"--open as well.
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