does someone know where i can get this book? my aunt got it from a friend in australia and my uncle was reading it, and it's really really intereting. i can't find it on amazon tho and the sonoma county library catalog page won't load. aaaaaaaaaaannnnyyyyyyyyboooooooody
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ugh i just said goodbye to felix and it was like the hardest thing ever. i haven't really had to say goodbye to too many people and i tried to keep cool but ended up crying my eyes out. i have had an awesome time with him and i really hope i will get to see him some time in the next few years. if i'm anywhere near germany, that is. it would
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there's a new guy at work that's pretty cool. he isn't that old either, like a year older than me. it's nice to have someone closer to my age instead of a bunch of 20 somethings. it should be interesting. apparently ziggy is going back to school in why did they hire him? i thought we weren't hiring for just summer jobs
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AHHHH ITALY WON! it was so freakin' awesome! they went into PKs and italy scored all 5. i took joey to jimtown and got her some of carol's awesome chocolate pudding to celebrate...and charlie brown (the owner's dad, he's a crazy old guy) was like "what is she smoking?" it was hilarious
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wheee i just bought under the iron sea, blood sugar sex magik, and demon days on amazon. i love how you can buy used ones for hella cheap. i mean the shipping makes up the difference, but it's still pretty awesome
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all i can think about is the heat. it is such a bitch. it's nice sometimes but i'm already pretty tired of it. i just need to swim more i guess
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