I don't know how many of my friends read livejournal regularly anymore, but people do ask for updates on my life now and then.
Hm. Still single. Depending on the day, that's either a good thing or a neutral thing - I don't think I'm the bitter-single type. Have been meeting interesting people, but a lot of the time they turn out to be not so great or not so interesting. Or interested.
This is the last semester of the post-grad journalism program, and I'm a little less than halfway through a four-month internship at a local TV station - local not to me, though, so I do about two and a half hours of commuting a day. They work with so-called video reporters, meaning that the same person does shooting, interviewing and editing. I've learned a lot and done maybe twenty news segments so far. Watch this space for other professional news...
I also write movie reviews, TV articles and other stuff for a monthly entertainment magazine. Right now I'm watching my sixth movie this weekend. My brain hurts a little.
That weekend actually includes yesterday, because I got a mild case of strep. Yay stress.
Still doing pottery now and then; don't have much time or energy for knitting right now.
Anything else you want to know?