=Relationship Post=

Dec 12, 2021 05:06

¤ = Kinship, on a scale of one to six. Three or higher is a true friend. Four or higher is akin to most of his colleagues in-game
♥ = Attraction, on a scale of one to six. It is very rare that anyone will get these ranks. One is a crush, three or higher is genuine love.
★ = Interest in a particular notion about them on a scale of one to six. Missions for the FORT usually rank as four or higher stars as a frame of reference.

The number of bullet points listed with the character relates to how many ranks out of six they have in each of the above categories. Thus characters have a minimum of one bullet and a theoretical maximum of eighteen. the color-ranks below the characters' icons relate to rough ideas of how much of the individual emotions of the character (as color-coded here) Atsuki has read out of them. Characters who cannot be read will therefore have blank ranks to signify this immunity.

■□□□□□□□□□outwalks [D.Gray-man]
Male - ¤ooooo
  • A curious person who has an odd eye that reminds Atsuki of his own Σ-implated eyes. He is interesting to hold a conversation with. He is one of the few people Atsuki has met to produce gray Shinen from hunger.

■■■□□□□□□□a_slayer_slays [Buffy the Vampire Slayer]
Female - ¤ooooo
  • A woman that Atsuki sometimes runs into around town. She is fun to hold conversations with and also very expressive in her feelings.

■■■■■■■□□□idkmybffmerines [Tales of Legendia]
Female - ¤¤¤¤oo / ♥ooooo / ★★oooo ("Ferines")
  • One of the first people Atsuki met in Luceti, they were both new feathers at the time. She helped him find a jacket and he helped her look for the clothes of her people. He was not very successful.
  • Her people are called the "Ferines" and appear to distrust humans, known as "Orerines" to them. Atsuki was fascinated by this, because Fenimore was one of the first truly inhuman people he met.
  • As time passes, Fenimore becomes someone who Atsuki talks to with regular frequency. It is through her over the months that he becomes more keenly aware of the fact he is trapped in Luceti.
  • As Atsuki leans more about the relationship of Ferines and Orerines it becomes clear that the Ferines are people from the water whereas the Orerines are people from the land. He wishes to see Fenimore submerged now.
  • As he becomes more and more comfortable speaking with Fenimore, she becomes more and more of a friend, the like he often doesn't make during his stays in various cities during his travels. The thought intrigues him.
  • Over Dragobete, Atsuki falls in love with Fenimore for an experiment. This is the first time he has been in love to this pure of extent. He takes a long time to sort out his feelings about the matter; he is not certain they "faded."
  • Despite his vague romantic tendency to Fenimore since Dragobete, they have remained on positive terms. She is now a treasured friend that Atsuki knows he would miss if he left her, much like many of the ones he made in Kisaragi.

■□□□□□□□□□emp3thy [Persona 3]
Male - ¤ooooo
  • A curious and quiet boy who Atsuki has spoken to and a few occasions. His Shinen are extreme muted, likely a result of emotional control or personal trauma.

□□□□□□□□□□prayingone [Tales of Legendia]
Female - ¤ooooo / ★★oooo ("Ferines")
  • Fenimore's more treasured friend, Atsuki know of Shirley before he met her. When he did he found her to be everything that he expected her to be; considerate and strong and kind.
  • From his conversation with Shirley, Atsuki now believes that she might play a key role in the mysterious nature of the "Ferines" to which both her and Fenimore belong. He is curious what this is.
  • At the time when he met Shirley she was under the impression that she was an Alliance Marine. This caused her Shinen to be distorted from the norm but alotgether humorous.

■□□□□□□□□□pinkribbons [Devil Survivor]
Female - ¤¤oooo / ★★★ooo ("Tokyo Lockdown")
  • An enjoyable company for his time trapped during a blizzard, Yuzu is a Tokyo girl who almost seems out of place in Luceti. Atsuki initially felt sorry for her to be here.
  • Through their time together was brief, it was the sort of encounter that haunts people. Atsuki would not mind speaking further to Yuzu to learn more about her and to become a friend.
  • During their conversation, Atsuki learned about devices called "COMPs" which could summon demons. He was disturbed, but at the same time very intrigued.
  • A he learned more about this COMPs he stumbled on the greater mysterious that is the "Tokyo Lockdown." That the government would resort to such extreme measures as the ones he saw in Yuzu's head alarmed him.
  • The limits of Yuzu's own knowledge have limited Atsuki from gaining more intelligence about the Tokyo Lockdown, but he is now extremely curious about it.

■■■□□□□□□□i_speak_softy [Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003)]
Male - ¤¤¤ooo / ★★oooo ("Mutant Turtles")
  • Atsuki's neighbor, he initially met the man when Donatello was house-greeting the other people in their apartment building.
  • As time pressed on, Atsuki came to learn more about Donatello and his brothers. The notion of humanoid turtles was interesting onto itself, and thus he pressed the topic.
  • Through numerous conversations Donatello became an easy conversational partner for Atsuki and over time became an easy friend. Atsuki appreciates that he had such a nice neighbor in his complex.
  • Atsuki eventually learned that Donatello and his three brothers are from New York City and that they are the only humanoid turtles there. What's more, they are also ninja. The mystery becomes more interesting.
  • When Atsuki's roommate, Molly, vanished, he delivered Molly's final letter to the three turtle brothers. The resulting sentiment was extremely heartwarming to behold for Atsuki.

□□□□□□□□□□maybealice [Are You Alice?]
Male - ¤ooooo
  • A strange fellow who Atsuki has spoken to a few times, he is certain Alice is disturbed, but given that he's apparently from a form of Wonderland, Atsuki does not find himself overly surprised. He will be interesting to keep up with.

NO■READINGgan_ceann [Durarara!!]
Female - ¤ooooo / ★ooooo ("Σ Immunity")
  • Celty is a woman that Atsuki met by chance in Luceti, and found her to have fantastic powers during the Tease invasion of the village. She seems to be very talkative despite never speaking.
  • Somehow Celty is immune to Σ. She gives off a strong feeling of death, which causes Atsuki to wonder if she might be (another) living dead which cancels out his abilities.

■■□□□□□□□□denyingreasons [Shin Megami III: Nocturne]
Male - ¤ooooo
  • Naoki is a social but odd looking individual that Atsuki met shortly after arriving in Luceti. Since then they remain on good terms, and have enjoyable conversations together.

□□□□□□□□□□justicereigns [One Piece]
Male - ¤ooooo
  • A man that Atsuki finds himself talking to with surprising frequency through the journals; he isn't certain he yet has a keen insight into the workings of their mind.

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Last updated August 31st, 2010
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