Title: Oh Smania! Oh Furie! Subject: Azula. Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender. Notes: I've been very disappointed with the Azula mixes I've seen thus far, so I made my own. This mix is for finale!Azula.
'Oh smania! Oh furie!'- When I saw this title, I though it was going to be a classical-music mix ('Oh smania! Oh furie!' is Electra's last aria from Mozart's Idomeneo, where she basically goes absolutely insane -having had a rather tenuous grip on sanity for most of the opera anyway- swearing a 'vengeance of serpents' upon the happy couple of Idomeneo (her love interest) and Ilia. It's brilliantly melodramatic and over-the-top).
...Ahem. You didn't need to know that, but still. I'll be downloading the mix now *scuttles off*.
I meant to put in that at the very end of the aria she commits suicide very dramatically, still wailing about snakes and revenge. (And then the next song is a really cheery celebration song. Yeah, she gets the short end of the stick).
Comments 19
Snagging like woah.
...Ahem. You didn't need to know that, but still. I'll be downloading the mix now *scuttles off*.
I meant to put in that at the very end of the aria she commits suicide very dramatically, still wailing about snakes and revenge. (And then the next song is a really cheery celebration song. Yeah, she gets the short end of the stick).
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