I have a friend who just got a Maine Coon recently and she had the same problem. What she did that seemed to work was she got the cat in the bathroom and just kept him there, with food and water and his litterbox, and got him used to being around her without a place to run away. Now he's a cuddly little beast.
2 weeks isn't that bad. After moving my cats and then being away from them for 3 months they wouldn't talk to me for several weeks. With time they warmed back up to me.
If he's out and about and getting used to his surroundings it should only be a matter of time before he gets used to you too.
Maine Coon Cats generally are " I'll go near you when I want to and if you try to make when when I don't I'll be nasty" kind of cats. My sisters cat is a Maine Coon cat and he's a shit come to think of it that's probably why his name is Turd..but every now and then he'll come up and want to snuggle. Some cats just have that personality. Have you looked up about Maine Coon cats? it's quite interesting. Maybe you'll find something on their personalities and how to handle them..good luck.
the company i work for now makes this synthetic cat pheremone spray called comfort zone. http://www.farnampet.com/ is the website if you wanna read more about the stuff.
i've never used the cat one myself, but i've used the one made for dogs and it really does help my dog not freak out in the car or when going over to a different house for a few days. he's a spazy little dude and other than this spray, i've never really found anything else to help calm him down.
I just ordered some of that stuff .. it seems like it mite be good for bandit .. either that or he just hates me .. literally living in the same room with him for almost a month and he will no quicker look at and hiss and spit and run under the bed ... no joke .. hopefully this stuff will make him chill long enough for us to become buds, thanks for the suggestion.
well, i sure hope it helps bandit. i know that i've seen a lot of testimonials that the stuff helps with spazy critters. we even make one for horses. let me know how it works for him.
i'm not really familiar with other techniques you might want to try. maybe you could do some research on what people do to win over ferral cats. i know there was a 'crazy cat lady' in my old neighborhood that used to lure the ferrals by putting cat nip in wet cat food. but if your cat is mean i don't know that you want to get him high. :) maybe you should try switching the brand of food you're giving him. i don't know if that will do any good, but i can see if he has an allergy or a disliking to it that it may make him cranky. i suppose it can't hurt to try it.
i have met cats before that were part cat, part satan and no amount of anything was going to change who they were. :) hopefully bandit isn't one of those kitties.
oh i love that, part cat, part satan ... well bandit has crazy matts in his fur I want to get out .. but I cant get a hold of him long enough to use the buzzer or anything ... so im hopeing this stuff calms him down ,. i can .. well .. shave him a bit ... and see how it goes from their ,. he is so cute though ,. an i know he needs lovings .. he just pissy. But he doesnt display any other behavioural problems, like scratching furniture or marking his territory .. some people say just grab em and force love onto em .. but .. you cant with bandit cuz he is such a freaked out spaz, he runs (and jumps off walls if need be matrix style of course .. its quite impressive for such a large kitty) and hides when he thinks im even going to walk to the same side of the room as him ... but we will see, ill keep lj posted on how it goes.. thanks again!
Comments 8
Hopefully he warms up to you!
If he's out and about and getting used to his surroundings it should only be a matter of time before he gets used to you too.
i've never used the cat one myself, but i've used the one made for dogs and it really does help my dog not freak out in the car or when going over to a different house for a few days. he's a spazy little dude and other than this spray, i've never really found anything else to help calm him down.
i'm not really familiar with other techniques you might want to try. maybe you could do some research on what people do to win over ferral cats. i know there was a 'crazy cat lady' in my old neighborhood that used to lure the ferrals by putting cat nip in wet cat food. but if your cat is mean i don't know that you want to get him high. :) maybe you should try switching the brand of food you're giving him. i don't know if that will do any good, but i can see if he has an allergy or a disliking to it that it may make him cranky. i suppose it can't hurt to try it.
i have met cats before that were part cat, part satan and no amount of anything was going to change who they were. :) hopefully bandit isn't one of those kitties.
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