defriended by a Christian for defending stem cell research

Mar 10, 2009 10:26

I've known this girl since middle school, and she only became a super wacky Christian after she graduated from high school and got married and moved to the south (go figure). This is a stupid Facebook argument I had with her, it's pretty amusing but also kind of depressing. It's pretty short but if you don't feel like reading the whole thing at least skip to the end and read her priceless last rebuttal ("deal with and fact that your an athiest!").

Blair joined the group Just say NO to embryonic stem cell research! 11:09am - Comment - Like

Megan at 11:37am March 9
Why are you against stem cell research?

Blair at 11:47am March 9
I'm against embryonic stem cell research, taking lives from unborn babies is UNGODLY! And now taxpayers have to fund it! Its against my views and now I have to pay for it! Such a socialist country that is becoming.

Megan at 11:54am March 9
I saw this question posed in one of the threads from your group, and I'd be curious to know how you would answer it: "A final scenario: you're in a burning room. Equally distant from you are a young child and a freeze unit containing 500 fertilized embryos. You can only carry one out with you. Do you save the one real, existing child, or the 500 "potential" children who will spend the rest of their "lives" waiting in freezers to be incinerated anyway?"

Blair at 12:03pm March 9
A person coming up with that question is a lost person! Of course you save the child, but God didnt put us on here to kill unborn babies. Plus adult stem cell research has better results then embryonic stem cell research. A childs life is so precious, after losing one one myself in pregnancy, the meaning of life means something more precious then one who hasnt witnessed that event. That question is absurd just like the question "if you had one thing with you stranded on an island what would it be?"

Megan at 12:58pm March 9
Well, if you're saving the child, you're basically admitting that you value the lives of people more than the lives of embryos. If ESC ends up helping us find a cure for cancer then wouldn't that be akin to saving the child? Not trying to research to our full extent is basically like saying "oh well we won't try to save the child if it means we have to destroy the 500 embryos."

Actually, it isn't true that adult stem cell research has better results. It's been around decades longer than ESC so sure it has produced more research. Doesn't mean it's justified to throw away another promising research method.

The question is posed to help people understand the ideologies they hold. While the issue of stem cells is complicated and confusing for a lot of people to understand, it's easy for anyone to understand the burning building scenario. I wouldn't be a fan of questions like this at all except that it forces people to examine the roots of their beliefs, which often are illogical.

Blair at 1:11pm March 9
Megan, like Im going to let a child suffer from a fire!

Megan at 1:13pm March 9
Also: a woman's personal feelings of love and affection for a developing child in her womb is not an argument against ESC research. The reason the thing inside you felt so precious was because of the hopes and dreams you had for it, not because it was an embryo. ESC are in test tubes. The people who produced them are not daydreaming about their first birthday or them graduating from college.

Megan at 1:14pm March 9
I know you wouldn't Blair! I know you understand how much more important saving real people is than saving embryos. I just don't think you are applying that understanding to ESC research.

Blair at 1:21pm March 9
Your an ungodly woman who doesnt take LIFE serisouly! Leave it alone and just deal with and fact that your an athiest and im a God fearing woman who cherishes a child and the birth of Gods life giving blessing. Be done with it and go on your way.

Megan at 1:26pm March 9
I'm sorry you had to make an interesting discussion turn into such an immature attack on my character. WWJD?

Deal with the fact that I'm a thinking person whose decisions are made from rational processes, not unfalsifiable dogmas. Deal with the fact that I support cancer research and you care more about cells in test tubes than real living breathing people in the world.

Then she defriended me. It made me laugh but then I remembered that she can vote and she's also raising two kids. And people wonder why this country is so fucked.
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