
Dec 07, 2006 02:51

So holy crap this account still exists. Contrary to popular believe I did not drop off the edge of the world, deteriorate or join a aboriginee tribe of acrobatic midget jugglers. After spending a year in terrible Maine at terrible UNE, which in hindsight as an institution was resounably adequate, I made a dream realized and now I'm soaking up sun ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

_raison_detre December 7 2006, 15:47:28 UTC
Hey, man. Great to hear from you! Yeah, I've heard from a air few people that Maine is a sonofabitch. Hawaii though... wow, didn't see that comming. Good for you.

I don't know if I'm going to be at that con, but if I am, I really look forward to seeing you again.

Keep rockin' it.


antitheton December 9 2006, 00:16:54 UTC
You should definatly be there man.


firehazard December 7 2006, 20:36:11 UTC
You're learning arabic?


antitheton December 9 2006, 00:17:28 UTC
Yeah, it's pretty crazy. I have to write right to left, and it looks like a 4 year old's doodles.


madmaxyruu December 8 2006, 03:02:42 UTC
holly shit eric!
it's been foooorever!
i didn't even know i had your name on my page anymoe
but shit son i do!
Hawaii?! that is nuts man! but it sounds soooo amazing!
i'm not sure if you even remember me but we went massive con togeahter way back when, i thought i'd add that even if this part of my note isn't the ideal spot to say it. Anywho's
it's good to read that you are alive
crazyness with the waves and nig's dyin
talk to ya later man!
Much love,


antitheton December 9 2006, 00:18:52 UTC
'Course I remember MadMoFuckinMax and the rockin' show the Leapyear Conspiracy played at Massive. How could I forget?


lonelyrockstar December 8 2006, 04:45:31 UTC
wow, you exist still!!! hey, me too!


antitheton December 9 2006, 00:19:13 UTC
Still fighting the good fight?


lonelyrockstar December 9 2006, 06:21:06 UTC
wont stop till im dead


lonelyrockstar December 9 2006, 06:22:07 UTC
er, that's me.


crickets_eve December 8 2006, 07:52:35 UTC
eric! holy SHIT. i'm so glad to hear that you're alive and well and soaking up some mighty fine hawaiian rays. i hope i see you soon. sending warm thoughts your way... glad to hear all's going dandy.

peace and love,


antitheton December 9 2006, 00:20:41 UTC
What's up? What have you been up to? We gotta kick-it sometime. Where you making bluff for winter break?


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