For some months now, Tony & I have been wanting to try out other synagogues. We aren't happy with where we are anymore, but I still want something, and especially with The Girl on the way, I want her to have the Jewish education and instilled faith I never had. There was one place in particular I wanted to try, but it seemed like availability and
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Comments 8
Oy I have no idea how we are gonna afford the temple preschool for roland next fal.
I have to admit, I was surprised that temples charge membership dues! I feel kind of dumb for not knowing that.
Oh man, I want steak now...
In general, I love finding things that I think is just part of life that other people find completely new & baffling, or vice versa.
The money does help and Christians do give less, tithe, or give more.
Religious education usually does not cost - or at least not much. Usually parents buy Bibles or books for certain parts. However, Sunday School is free.
If there is a school with a church, it is usually a preschool or a private grade/middle/high school (never know the starting and ending grades) and the private schooling (though usually not the preschools) have a high tuition. However, those are options instead of public school.
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