Summer and i found a kitty at sonic... she was hungry and scared and ADORABLE so we had to take her home. She's extremely young and is the most loving kitty ever... she's just perfect! If anybody is interested in taking this sweet little kittyface Please let me know.
so we had a bonfire at my house last night... it was lots of fun... well at least I had lots of fun, but then again sometimes i'm a little bit of a pyro-maniac...
I like to buy those 49 cent cds at Hastings sometimes. Basically all you can do is go on interesting cover art or cool band photos. Thats how i found the Little Gruntpack. Anyway i bought one of these cds day before yesterday that turned out to be really awesome. Spacehogs' Resident Alien. Its freakin awesome and it has that song "In the Meantime"
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hey i'm gonna talk about something OTHER than my triops for once! oh but just so things are clear i'm giving those eggs to zefphakid and emokid to do something with
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those idiots sent ME more eggs! its not like i asked for them or anything.........:/ there is so much hilarity in that tiny package i won't even go into explanatory detail...