Ok i had a bit of a weird weekend no suprise there
Eventually after hearing several other people wern't going to attend the BBQ my guilt clicked in and i went, it was largly ok, though i spent most of the time wishing i was finishing off my work.
Saturday brought much roleplayey goodness, ok so i was gming and it was only Shadowrun but it felt good to be around a table with a bunch of people roleplaying, not done it consistently for years, hope the campain survives to run a few more sessions.
Sunday was the day of work, worked pretty much solid from 11 am till 3 am monday, with a small grand prix break in the middle, finally managed to get it all done and collapsed.
Had to get up at 6am monday yer 3 hours sleep, to print everything out and file it all appropriatly.
but i managed to hand everything in, all i have to do for the rest of the week is update one file and print a load of stuff then cut it out stick it into a book and get it signed.
maybe I can finally get on with the rest of my 'hobby paperwork'