Story or Series Title:
Spirited Away, Haku and Chihiro's first sight...Fandom: Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi/Spirited Away
Culprit Author's Name: Juggalo Son Pan
Summary: Its been 8 years scince Chihiro had seen Haku, she misses him so much, but one day, Chihiro and her new friends, Fiona, Kyle, Link and Leighlah go on a camping trip up a mountain
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Comments 3
"Haku??" Chihiro said with a worried look on her face. "It's ok...i wont be going with you to see your friends, i'll be monitoring them, and keeping DNA, and aroura samples, while i fly around in my dragon form."
This deserves my WTF! icon, damnit. I re-read and it makes no sense whatsoever.
No-body is that angsty for 8 years. I mean, if Chihiro misse Haku that much, she wouldn't have left at the end of the movie.
It really doesn't make sense. Granted, I get occasionally sentimental about people I haven't seen for several years, but it's not my LIFE. It doesn't seem as though anyone at FFN realizes there was a movie beyond Haku.
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