Pokesales and Feedback!

May 09, 2008 01:08

Here it is! My Sales Feedback post. This is where you post feedback on items you have bought from me in the past. This way people know how I do business and encourage them to do business with me (not to mention, keep me in line XD).

Credit to pkmncollectors for the feedback format. I'm too unoriginal to create my own XD



Item Bought:
Rating: (out of five; five being the highest)
Quality of the Item: (was everything as advertised/described?)
Was it received in a Timely Fashion?: (Did you get it right away, or wait forever?)
Would you buy from me Again?:
Additional Comments:


Item Traded:
Rating: (out of five; five being the highest)
Quality of the Item: (was everything as advertised/described?)
Was it received in a Timely Fashion?: (Did you get it right away, or wait forever?)
Would you trade with me Again?:
Additional Comments:

(please read these before posting feedback).
# Please be respectful. Yes, negative feedback is allowed, but please do not be rude about it.
# Do not use this post for conversations or discussions. If you have a problem with an item you've purchased from me, please handle it via E-mail or instant messengers.
# Please be Honest; weather the feedback is good or bad, I want complete honesty; that way I can work on anything that may be handled incorrectly

This journal is for POKESALES purposes only. Please don't comment here unless it's relevant to the subject at hand. Thanks guys <3

Additional Contact Info:
AIM: Hybridr4inbows
Msn: Anuvina@msn.com
Yahoo: AnuviaX3
Email: Anuvia@gmail.com
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