naming game

May 17, 2004 17:43

i'm too lazy to think up a "riddle" today.

first person to comment gets 10 points...
one point less for each person after...
(IE: 9,8,7,6...)
Clues 1-10 will be closed once we get to clue 12 ( Read more... )

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Comments 20

porcelaindeath May 17 2004, 21:50:18 UTC
The first time i ever met you (i dont know when) was cool. I could tell y ou had a good taste in music :) and you still do!! yay for you!


anxiousarms_ May 17 2004, 22:10:58 UTC
.......i do don't i:)


Haha! Can you believe I remembered? lafter247 May 17 2004, 21:51:56 UTC
I was a new student.. Koneval's Science Class- 4th hour.. First day you came up to me and started to talk and I was sitting next to Elyse H. You gae me a high five and yeah then you left cause class started.. Then the next day my seat was changed in the class- I then sat up front.. You went to the back of the room and said hey where's Amanda the new girl? And then you found me and said hi to me.. Later that year you sat behind me and we talked and it was cool.. :)


Re: Haha! Can you believe I remembered? anxiousarms_ May 17 2004, 22:10:36 UTC
wow...proof that i was always a sucker for pretty girls


geniechristinie May 17 2004, 22:17:14 UTC
i dont remember the first time i met you....but i do remember the first time i went was ur family and my family heading up north....and i remember you as a really good skier...nd i remember me cryin cuz i was afraid...thats as far as i can remember....o yea, i also remeber the time u hurt me by like punching me in the arm or somethin...we never talked much until about idk a year ago or so


anxiousarms_ May 17 2004, 22:40:24 UTC
we still don't talk much... you want any scene points?


geniechristinie May 17 2004, 22:43:22 UTC
doesn't matter its up to you...just thought id share that moment
i know we dont tlk much....its better than not talking at all


anxiousarms_ May 17 2004, 23:43:12 UTC
i need to know for purposes of the game.....but that was a good time...skiing is always good times


schoener_unfall May 18 2004, 00:24:34 UTC
i don't think i should get minus points for this
but you still don't have my points right, i should have 4 remember??

what i thought of you when i first saw you:
is that the drew that jacklyn and kristine always talk about?
it is? cool.
then you started talking about good music.
and i was like...
drew rocks.


anxiousarms_ May 18 2004, 00:42:46 UTC
what about the first time we talked?


schoener_unfall May 18 2004, 00:54:56 UTC
first time we talked... i thought you were really amusing and i thought you were adorable.
and now you are my child.


anxiousarms_ May 18 2004, 00:57:00 UTC
see that just weird me out now...(way to tell the story though)


krispyk03 May 18 2004, 00:57:19 UTC
we were in advertising art.. and you were friends with jacklyn and laura.. and i was jealous. and you never talked to me.. then we randomly started talking. slowly but surely. and then it got to us skipping kelly's class to rome the halls. hahaha good times. i miss those days.


anxiousarms_ May 18 2004, 01:14:22 UTC with the rollie chairs...


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