Dost one comment here if one wishes to make a claim? :P In that case, I'd like to lay claim to the character Anya. (Toss-up between her and Dimitri, but I think I'll save our rugged example of manhood - okay, sort of - for my longer fanfic, instead of splitting it up into drabbles.)
So I'll go from August 28th to October 23rd as well.
Am I limited to the time in the movie i.e. ten year old Dimitri, the actual storyline of the movie and twenty year old Dimitri OR am I free to write about his past and future beyond what's shown in the movie?
In other words, can I write about uhm three year old Dimitri and 90 year old Dimitri?
I'm interested in being involved in these drabble challenges, but I've got a couple of questions before making a claim. Can there only be one person doing a particular claim, or can we double up? Because I was just thinking, three of the main characters are gone, and it probably won't be long before the rest (Grandmother, Sophie, Vlad, etc.) are claimed as well. Then what will we do? There are only so many couples we can do... Just wondering, before I make my choice.
there can be two people on a claim at a time. also, the other mad and i dont really count, so there can be two more anya'dimitris and two more rasputins.
also, once someone finished a claim, then it is open again for anyone else who might want to take it. so eventually, everyone will get a chance on the claim they want.
Oh, I just remembered something else I was wondering... If we think we're going to be really busy for a month or two can we miss a cycle then come back when we have some spare time? Or if something comes up, can we give up a claim halfway through so someone else can get a chance to do it?
Comments 26
So I'll go from August 28th to October 23rd as well.
LJ Username: dawnfirenight
Desired Claim: Anya
LJ Username: grumpymo
Desired Claim: Dimitri (the rugged thing)
So it's October 24th for me, right? (If the claim gets approved, that is)
Am I limited to the time in the movie i.e. ten year old Dimitri, the actual storyline of the movie and twenty year old Dimitri OR am I free to write about his past and future beyond what's shown in the movie?
In other words, can I write about uhm three year old Dimitri and 90 year old Dimitri?
also, once someone finished a claim, then it is open again for anyone else who might want to take it. so eventually, everyone will get a chance on the claim they want.
LJ Username: coming_clean001
Desired Claim: Anya/Dimitri
I was so hoping that would be your answer! So, I've got post three before... 6th September, yes?
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