Title: Mix-Tape: She Loves Me
Rating: T
Genre: Romance
Fandom: Yugioh GX
Pairing(s): Ryo(Zane)/Olette(OC)
Summary: The playlist of their romance; the good and the bad.
A/N: Unofficial 30Kisses challenges. Work-in-Progress. Posted in the order they were written.
/Her love could never grow sour.
It grows more pure with every hour.
I never wanted anything like that from her./
-She Loves Me by Descendants
It was the flash of orange -that eye-searing color which drew your gaze even as you wished it wouldn't- which first alerted him to the girl's presence.
Every outfit she wore had a dash of that garish color in it. It was her color, the color she loved the most. He was the only one who knew the reasoning behind this declaration. He knew that she wore orange because it drew people's attention, because it made it that much harder for people to pretend she didn't exist. Because she hated, more than anything else, to be ignored.
"What do you want?" He asked, head tilted up as if he were addressing the sky.
He knew the exact moment she stepped out from her hiding place -thanks once again to that obnoxious color- and only his own stubbornness -and the satisfaction he got out of knowing that this would be the one thing that would hurt her the most- kept him from looking directly at the girl.
"I want you to stay," the girl told him. "But then, you've never cared about what I thought before, so why should now be any different?"
He turned his back on her -hoping to further the girl's irritation, and knowing that it would work- before deigning to give her a reply..
"You're right," he told her. "I don't care what you think, and never have. Yet, here you are. So, I ask you once again, what do you want?"
"I needed to tell you something before you go," she explained. He could tell she was crying. It was there in the slight warble of her voice. "It won't mean anything to you, of course. I just wanted you to know."
He tilted his head slightly, indicating that he was listening though he still refused to look at the garishly dressed female. He heard her step forward, felt two arms wrap around him from behind as she leaned fully into his back, and he found himself staring -not at the orange sleeves of her hooded sweatshirt- at the bracelet she wore on her right wrist.
Little, blue, glass beads all strung together around her wrist. The bracelet was too big and constantly threatened to fall off, but she insisted on wearing it everyday since the day he had first given it to her.
Because he had given it to her.
"I love you," Olette Pearson stated. "And I'm sorry that I couldn't help you."
She let go. She walked past him. She walked away. She didn't look back.
He watched that garish orange sweater until it and the girl wearing it were long gone.
And of all the colors in the world, Hell Kaiser Ryo Marufuji knew that orange would always be the one he hated most.
Because it would always remind him of her.