Title: Reno's Date With the Vampire's Sister
Rating: T
Genre: Humor/Romance
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing(s): Reno/OC
Summary: Blood Fire outtake. What did Reno and Tanis do on their date?
A/N: An outtake from a fic that has yet to be uploaded
(a.k.a. the day after)
(a.k.a. the storming of the office)
Reno sighed as he tapped his pen against his desk. He was supposed to be doing his work, which was boring on a normal day, but was having trouble concentrating. His thoughts kept drifting back to-
"So, how'd it go?"
Reno lazily glanced up, then started back in surprise to see the people all crowded around his desk. Rude, Elena, Kera, hell, even Tseng and Rufus had appeared out of nowhere. In fact, it had been the president himself who had asked.
"What the hell?" He backed away farther into his chair, which did no good, because they all just leaned in closer. "Um, yo, guys? Personal space?"
"Oh, sorry," Elena apologized. The only one who bothered, Reno noticed. And they all moved back.
"Thanks, now, once again, What The Hell?"
"We wanna know how your date went," Kera replied innocently.
'More specifically," Tseng added, "is there going to be another?"
"And just how the hell is any of that you're business?" Reno demanded. "Excluding Rude and Elena, why should I tell any of you?"
"I'm your boss," Tseng replied.
"I'm the president," Rufus added.
"I'm your roommates girlfriend," Kera stated with a wicked grin.
"Damn," he swore. "Fine. It-"
He paused as a movement by the door caught his eye. "If that's Yuffie, I'm gonna kill someone."
This effectively got the attention of his fellow Turks, and they all turned to face the door, as a hand pushed through it, followed by the upper half of Tanis Valentine, who paused to stare at he gathering with wide brown eyes.
"Damn," she muttered. Then, she saw Reno and brightened, before proceeding into the room, past the startled Turks, straight through Reno's desk, and up to Reno himself, wrapping her arms around his neck, and pulling him into a long, deep kiss.
"I guess that means it went well," Kera stated lightly, as the forgotten workmates beat a hasty retreat out of the premises.
"Please try not to have sex in the workplace," Rufus added, chuckling lightly when Reno flipped him off over his girlfriend's shoulder.