SO, along with this little ficclet, here goes my meme. Post, and Ranma will answer what he thinks of your characters not Ami because christ I'm still working on that. Or, y'know, you could request drabble? Take care, because I fail at 100-word limits, as is obvious also, this little ficclet's all over the place because it's late and I fail. So
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Comments 14
Aaaaaand if you are filled with drabble-urges anything involving Lady tickles me muchly.
Aaaaaand ficcage will come when I have more than three braincells to work with. 8D
And he's had brief Encounters of the Kal kind, but nothing that would form a negative opinion. He does hear lots of folks stickin' up for the little guy, so...guess he means something. |D
Kon is a guy buddy, without the antagonistic stupid that he usually has to deal with (ie. "RANMA HOW DARE YOU BREATHE THE SAME AIR AS ME, DIE"). And he really appreciates Kon, because there's no need to hold back when sparring, because, even though he hasn't made the Superman connection yet (selective hearing whut), he's seen enough Kon!action to know he can take buildings falling on him and still give as good as he gets, if not more.
The perfect sparring partner if not for that j;lkdfasdsjakf shield. :)
Not his favorite person in the world, right at the moment. He appreciates that Frank values friendship and honor and reason, but really doesn't like it when the guy cuts in on what's supposed to be Ranma letting off steam/getting revenge/guaging Ken to see how long/far/difficult his trainning will be don't argue with Ranma!logic it's all his father's fault.
Still, there's some respect, but don't look sideways at the boy if he drops a few "Frank"s or "jerk"s in the future. It's his way of being affectionate. ♥
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