weird as fuck

Oct 01, 2007 21:32

i've been living with max in columbus for 4-5 wks now. it's been great so far. we live in a condo complex right off of High near OSU. there's probably about 24 units in the complex & as of today i know 2 of the people in the other units. & not in that, "howdy neighbor, nice to meet you" way ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

procris October 2 2007, 02:11:21 UTC
It's a small world aaaafter all...


zbladerunner December 12 2007, 07:31:00 UTC
Awww, thanks were so great, people like you and Laura helped me actually deal with my sadness rather than let it become anger to try to lessen the pain. Lurv! I miss you!


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