perchance i should get in the habit of posting again...

Feb 23, 2008 11:11

i decided to apply to library school (part-time so i can keep my job and let them help pay for it)! i decided this thursday. i have til march 15 to submit everything. wahoo!

busy, busy.

in other news, i love you all!

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Comments 3

procris February 23 2008, 17:13:01 UTC
::hugs:: good for you! Where? Let me know if you need any books... I'm here if you need to rant about your required managment class. From my expereience, everyone needs to rant about their required managment class at some point.

Love you, and yay for the spread of the librarianship!


captpir8 February 24 2008, 11:15:10 UTC
Miss you like the stuff!

Sorry I never get down to see you and Max, hard to believe I haven't seen you guys in like... a year?


user_undefined February 24 2008, 16:17:14 UTC
wuv wuv wuv

Good luck with the applications!


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