ZakiJima, YamaJima and OkaJima. Make up your mind ! Just give me ZakiJima and OkaYama if you can't decide~ Although it is pretty obvious that you will make is YamaJima and let Keito and Kento to be all heartbroken -.- But it is seriously random when Keito just appeared. I thought it would be Yamada's crush or Yuto's crush which explains the mixed expression.
"And I haven't been reading any fics since I was quite busy so sorry for that too." I've been sending you at least one chapter weekly so you can't say that~
Yabai >< i hope it turns out yamajima its kind if funny how keito yamachan and kento are all rivals now haha im interested to see what happens next ^^ Hmmm its beem a long time for every yamajima author i think i hope you arent too busy and can update also :)
oh wow that was random? hahaha Keito coming back caught me by surprise! Omg and don't tell me Keito is Yuto's crush?? I mean Yuto was looking at him with hopeful eyes...
Comments 8
"And I haven't been reading any fics since I was quite busy so sorry for that too." I've been sending you at least one chapter weekly so you can't say that~
I can't help it :D the pairing is kinda fixed in the first place~
thanks for reading and commenting~
thanks for reading and commenting! :D
Hmmm its beem a long time for every yamajima author i think i hope you arent too busy and can update also :)
sadly I am :') I may even only update when my next break comes which is 3 months away ;A;
thanks for reading and commenting! :D
hahaha this is getting exciting!
and finally you updated something!
yes I finally did /sobs sorry for the wait ;-;
and thanks for reading and commenting :D
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